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Everything posted by beni

  1. Quite surprised I've ticked most of 'em, no wonder my mother says there's enough we've got! I've counted how many are in the house all together, meaning, my lil sis has most of these ehe. Still, it's made me realised how many I've pushed aside. >.< Sorry PS1 and PS2, DS. D':
  2. beni

    Sad to see you go (again!?). Hopefully you may return or we can catch you elsewhere. Take care, all the best!
  3. College literally piling up more and more work every single lesson, and all I want to do is be on MH. D':

    1. paradoxal


      i feel you ,__,

  4. I just saw keke and got really excited so I instantly clicked onto here ehe. Never heard of this band, but since keke's in it, I'm interested. I know I'm new to them, but hopefully, they don't announce a disbandment, any disband is just too sad. And what's also sad is, it's an underground band? Not very well know? :/ Always hope a small band'll get noticed a lot more, maybe they will now! Will check 'em out, defo. (If I can find anything, hmm ><)
  5. This is literally what I was going to type up.
  6. beni

    Dir En Grey - Pink killer
  7. beni

    At first when I just saw 'new band' as the topic when it was first created, I thought, 'their name is just a?' Ehe. ''^^ Always love hearing about a new band, we need more to stay for sure! Hopefully we'll see more of them in the future. Their bands are new to me too, 'FUCK YOU HEROES' sounds fabulous. xD
  8. I am very determined to learn Japanese and hopefully speak it and write it fluently one day. Then I'd feel a lot more confident in visiting, and maybe, hopefully, even live there. It's a massive thing I desire most, so I'll hopefully just try harder and harder in getting there over the coming years. I've already had this big 'learning Japanese' starter pack for quite some time, and I've always liked learning another language, it's just remembering it which is my problem. I'm hoping I'll have more time and determination to focus when I'm a lot older, since right now college just makes me feel so drained and empty lol. My main reason for doing it though is by being inspired by online blogs that translate lyrics and such. Since I've been getting into that for the past year or so, I look forward to the thought I could understand music by myself and create my own translations blog.
  9. beni

    Interesting thread. 1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? Not at all, there's a reason it isn't free in the first place. I always respect and know that a musician is a musician because that's their job. They're doing it not only because they want to, but because they also want a living out of it obviously. Honestly, I'm pleasantly surprised when I see others sharing their own purchased music, I am always highly grateful for that because they don't need to do that. I only ever download music without paying if it's too expensive over here or if I can't find it anywhere (and I'm sorry for that and this but I think I should explain. I usually just blame my mama for this since my money spending is very little even know and she doesn't like shipping from anywhere outside of the UK because of the high cost, she's a single mum who has trouble with money herself so I try not to spend a lot on myself) but in the future, I'll make sure to try harder with buying all music, because that's what the artists need to continue on with their dream job. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? Being someone who hasn't ever put up music online (since firstly, I have no idea how, and secondly, it's mainly music everyone else already has but I'll seriously be happy to share), I don't think my opinion is that important or correct. But I also feel the same way clearly most of us feel about it. If you have a sour attitude towards others who are just asking for a listen, that's just plain rude. As some have already said, those 'elite' listeners who manage to get live distributes or limited music who act up that role are rather annoying. You don't need to act that way, and also, the word 'hypocrite,' comes to mind. Why would you not want to get one of your favourite bands more out into the open? Surely you're promoting them a lot more than just keeping it to yourself, therefor, giving less coverage and money to the band. If the question was just the first part, then I really would say, it's their own money they've spent, they should do what they like with it, but to remember to respect the band nevertheless. But honestly, I feel that way with some listeners who expect those they know who can buy the music to upload. Both sides can act badly. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? I think I've answered this in the second question. I just don't like that kind of attitude anywhere, we're all equal. 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? Possibly..? Actually, since everywhere apart from closer countries in Asia, it's rather hard to get a hold of the music, so some might take uploaders for granted. But before I came into VK, I had no idea about piracy (I'm just dumb). So recently, I checked out on websites that did do this, and it seems a hell lot easier to locate and get those albums from American and British artists, but about the uploaders, I'm not so sure.. But I think the attitudes in this vary like here, I'm pretty sure it's the same with every community I guess. 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? Personally, I'm grateful for any bitrate, I couldn't care less about this, I'm just grateful to have a listen. I didn't know that was the reason though, it's quite encouraging for someone to try to at least persuade listeners to buy the album themself if you really do like it. I don't think I'll go as far to say we're 'entitled' since they've shared, but like I keep saying, it's their money they've spent, let them do what they prefer to do to be honest. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? I feel super guilty with this question... because no one has ever asked me since I have never uploaded anything in my life. But if I did, I'd be happy to do it for them, only if they're polite. Back to that second question, I think it's all about the uploader's/asker's attitudes, it's important to show that you're grateful and happy about the situation. I can think of a load of people I find remarkable for their positive way of viewing this *reads out the list of uploaders here.* As I said above, I used to be quite naive about how uploading works, but now that I understand, I'm impressed and happy about the kindess of the majority of uploaders there are.
  10. Honestly, I've only continued reading the manga to see how it ends, since I was totally obsessed with it around the time the Akatsuki were major parts in the story but now, recently, not so much. I always thought it's just because I've grown out of it I no longer feel so close to it, but I'm excited to see how it'll finally wrap up, but still rather sad such a thrilling series will end after about 15 years. What a run!
  11. Oooh, yes, yes, yes, me likey! Thank you for the trailers, recently been really into their music. (Especially Sho's voice : 3)
  12. beni

    I'm also quite new to them, in that I've only listened to one or two tracks by them but I do have an whole album of theirs I'm looking forward to listening to. Their style is so silly looking to me that I find it fantastic. In my opinion, they're a bit like a cross between Oshare and Visual Kei, so I didn't know what to expect, I just gave them a shot and I really enjoy their music. I understand how it can't be everyone's cup of tea but I'm rather fond of them. : 3
  13. beni

    I can't agree more with the post above, spot on in my opinion. I'll still always love SADIE either way, can't help but enjoy the releases I listen to of theirs. But I truly do hope that one day they WILL have that chat together and challenge themselves, hell, I hope most bands that feel like playing it safe is the easiest and best option. I feel like they became a lot more individual in musicial style in GANGSTA, as Hellion has brilliantly explained, I just hope they continue to progress this way, in my opinion.
  14. Honestly, I went 'wow' when I saw the cover art, I love it, so pretty and mysterious. But I'm also prepared for some cheesy PV haha (look out D!). And I know it's not a competition between Jupiter and Kamijo but I'm hoping this or their future works will be up their with Kamijo's Heart album since that was greatly recieved. They're all super talented, I look forward to hearing them progress.
  15. beni

    Interesting, hmm... I do have a particular band that comes in mind when I read 'must make you... pumped, run around like crazy and punch the air.' It's Lycaon, and in particular, their song Psychedelic Jelly. I have never felt the need to jump about to a song before as much as this one lol, it makes me want to do a load of random 'acrobatic' crap in my room like what Thing 1 and Thing 2 do in the Cat in the Hat. xD Even though that drop is ridiculous and my sister just laughs at it, I'm there literally spazzing out along with it haha. Actually, just think of any random and insane electronic tune and I'll be up. xD
  16. beni

    Bread, even though I should be cutting down on it... And damn it, wasn't expecting any pics, now I'm hungry again. *runs to the loaf of bread* ><
  17. beni

    Is somewhere in this world letting music make him high.
  18. If you see me on here when I've already said I'm gone, it's not you it's me; procrastinating to the extreme. >.>

  19. Pretty difficult to choose a single era. I just picked early 2000s to late 2000s since the majority of my favourites debuted then and other favourites who debuted earlier released my most liked works by them then. And also, as already described, that era revealed other subgenres, making me feel more excited and interested in that particular era. Awesome poll Aoi Mochi, thanks for another wonderful poll creation Cat. I'm getting more excited now, since already I wasn't expecting how the poll looks now. : 3 And now, it's more as I pictured it. xD
  20. beni

    ^ Oh no, I'm going to miss it again! D: You guys have fun if it happens, hopefully catch you some time. (: (Or this has totally been written in the wrong tense)
  21. beni

    Being a bit brave and coming back here with a different opinion (and having really wanted to catch up with the other new posts here). I remember reading possibly on here or on last.fm about unknown VK bands, the indie ones, which only have released a couple of tracks and even disbanded. I get told a lot that there's always a reason a band is popular, and that I agree on of course. What I don't agree with is these small indie bands being called insignificant or bad. They should all be given a chance and since they're just starting out, they haven't even shown what they're all made of. Of course I'm guessing why most wouldn't bother with these little groups is because they probably all sound/look the same. But to me, (another unpopular opinion maybe?), the majority of bands which are major do not sound as inspiring and individual as these smaller groups. I really can't say I'm absolutely certain of this one to be honest, since I don't listen to a load of indie ones (and I'm like 99% wrong all the time), I feel like I'm letting out some steam or ranting after reading some negative responses to small bands. I mean, they were just starting out, every band becomes better over time. (ANOTHER unpopular opinion? xD) This is totally not aimed at anyone by the way, even if you disagree. Oh yeah, I just remembered another one after looking through the thread again. And this one I'm not too worried or scared about saying because I totally stand by this and maybe it's not that unpopular. About when and how a band changes their style/music direction, I think that's always a good thing. Even if it's executed badly. This is because I think the band are showing that they're really trying to do their best, trying different styles, trying to be individual and out there. It's a breath of fresh air and also could even bring in more fans with a different style, and make comparing their old and new work interesting. To me, it's got a lot of pluses even if they're not as good as before. I'm sure everyone who's still reading have a couple of bands in mind about this one. xD
  22. beni

    ^ YES! GASK MASKS!! <3
  23. beni

    ^ YES BEAR! I still can't believe 'The Emperor's New Groove' didn't get any award, it's easily the movie I'll instantly remember if anyone asks me about my childhood movie viewing. =D Answering the thread question: The Room Just look at the movie's highlights (if you have, like, 2 minutes and 45 seconds of time to kill), I'm literally wasting my life watching such 'masterpieces.' It certainly deserves the title "the Citizen Kane of bad movies."
  24. beni

    Girl after my own heart hah. : 3 Yeah, I totally blame Meto for the ava/sig spam I continue to do of him. xD Mighty fine avatar you currently have, I feel flustered whenever I take a peek. >< 10/10 for both either way, yes yes!
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