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Everything posted by beni

  1. He better be well. Hoping for a smooth surgery.
  2. Semi-hiatus status update. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

  3. beni

    Not only have I become quite fond and addicted to 'Orange Is The New Black,' but other Netflix shows which are called 'Lie to me' and 'Dexter' are ever so entertaining. In all honesty, I rarely watch any TV shows recently, and only managed to get a few hours of both in, but I can safely say already that these two shows (and other mentioned ones) are probably the rare American ones I've ever managed to get into. They're both very interesting with how they delve into the situations both shows present, with 'Lie to me*' being incredibly interesting with its body language focus and 'Dexter' being more of an intriguing and thrilling ride due to its main character. About 'Lie to me' / crime drama / 3 seasons, 38 episodes / January 21, 2009 – January 31, 2011 runtime Dr. Cal Lightman teaches a course in body language and makes an honest fortune exploiting it. He's employed by various public authorities in various investigations, doing more when the police etc. fail to go the extra mile. So he can afford to constitute a team of his own, which like clients and others has to put up with his mind-games. - Written by KGF Vissers About 'Dexter' / drama / 8 seasons, 96 episodes / October 1, 2006 – September 22, 2013 Dexter Morgan, Miami Metro Police Department blood spatter analyst, has a double life. When he's not helping the Homicide division solving murders, he spends his time hunting and killing bad guys that slip through the justice system. He spends his sun-drenched days solving crimes - and moonlit nights committing them. But not to worry, our cool-blooded Dexter doesn't kill just anyone. He reserves his homicidal hobbies to taking only the lives of other killers. - Written by Enrique Tovar from Delano, CA And, just on another note, major love to the only other TV show (excluding the mighty 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S.' which, surely, everyone has heard/watched!) I've ever managed to sit through completely and be utterly impressed and love it... Anyone who hasn't heard or seen 'House' needs to get on it, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. That show is absolutely marvelous; from the script to the directing, casting and acting, to each episode with a different medical case shown and explained as well as amazing story delivery and progression alongside this which only builds up the immense emotional delivery and ending of an incredible show run. Truly magnificant, my favourite TV show ever. I mean, it even has some of my favourite quotes and TV show moments, lol. The sarcasm is strong within this one: Also, Hugh Laurie FTW!
  4. beni

  5. beni

    I have never heard of this, ever, lmao. Thank you for gracing the thread with some delicious looking treats. Yummy. I'm voting for the 'Tree' one just because I am very fond of trees, yes. : 3
  6. beni

    Oh holy celery. X'D I have too much lovin' many likes to give. If only there was a like transfer bank or something..
  7. beni

  8. beni

    I really do need more liking power. Wow. Have run out again and I just got it back for the day. ^^;;
  9. Game/Spam Topic - '5 disbanded bands, which should've never disbanded' I knew I answered a similar thread! x'D Just stating in here too by quoting mine from there;
  10. beni

    I hope for the best for you with whatever you do. Just a 'random thought;' I am eating and sleeping way too much recently and more than ever. *insert lazy pig gif*
  11. beni

    Cuddles? Too cute! Both works are wonderful, I hope to see more. ^^ And yep! I find them very funny and cute just by looking at them. xP Nice to see another fan!
  12. beni

    I love it! Is your avi also your own work? It's really pretty and so well done, and I love clowns so it's an instant win, haha.
  13. beni

    Wowzers, I need to see more from you! I gotta like this when I can, damn the restricted likings. ;; Please keep up with your work!
  14. beni

    Your birthday is so close to mine x) #sorryforgoingofftopic That's a really clever and interesting username approach and idea!
  15. beni

    Happy birthday to all you lovelies~ StranGè. ~ Yukami ~ maki.filth ~ Lord_NaMeLeSs ~ dennouboy ~ mpxx24 ~ NekoHime ~ Woop!
  16. beni

    Double serving of loving? Aferni-kuuuuuuuuuuuun~ <3 My top members are everyone who I've had the pleasure to see in threads (literally all you members, I adore this place so much because of everyone in the community) and, on a higher level, those I've got to talk with either in a post, by PMing, on FB/Skype or anywhere else. I won't do shoutouts since you all know who you are and I treasure every single one of you and this post would be way too long, lol. I cerially cannot pick only 10 favourites on this though so... I'll give just one call out to @CAT5. Always my number one. Come over here, chu!
  17. beni

    So happy to see you here. I hope you enjoy your time here and find new musician discoveries. Make sure to be careful double posting at times. For any questions, please don't hesitate asking the mods/admins who are always happy to help. Also, I've never actually asked you about your favourite musicians! Which ones are you into? : 3 Great having you and I hope to see you active, friend!
  18. beni

    'bonjour, slut' Come to me, child. : 3
  19. beni

    'benibana.' I'm not that active over there due to being on here most of the time, ahaha. ^^
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