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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I used to quote this author all the time on my old Tumblr account, I love her work: 'Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.' - Banana Yoshimoto
  2. beni

    A teleportation device or enough money (and enough confidence) to go travelling to somewhere specifically.
  3. beni

    I tried contact lenses for about a week and thought they were a bother putting on every morning for just the six hours in school. I think I just got too attached to my glasses as well so I decided to stay with them after such a short trial run (...not even a trail, my mum had paid for advance packages so I'm still guilty for changing my mind now). I got my glasses when I was in primary school. I've forgotten what year but I can remember being super excited about it that I even managed to convince my mum to get out of school early to go to the appointment. XD After that, it's taken me many years of choosing different glasses to appreciate them. It's only been recently I like wearing them due to having bigger frames (I've always picked small framed glasses).
  4. Shortest: 30 minutes(?) Longest: Almost 2 months (current) So, same lad I've spoken about before on the shortest one... I asked him out, he accepted, then I said we wouldn't work out because I felt it too bizarre to actually be someone's for once. The attention and love I believed I didn't deserve at that time. I wasn't ready, tbh. I don't regret it though, he's a pretty lame dude now (playaa~). Longest is the only other relationship I've had with someone romantically and is the ldr one I hope will work out.
  5. beni

    Happily in one now. The first such relationship for me, really, after my last and only one beforehand lasted for less than forthy five minutes (LOL). The only thing I get angry/sad about when with him is my computer jamming all the time. So frustrating keeping him waiting and seeing as it's long distant and I'm an emotional mess, I get distraught too easily when that happens. And he still bears with. x3
  6. Cry & die. If I actually had the energy and bother to try to survive, I'd take out my best kitchen fork and equip that. Nah, cerially... I've always wanted to hit someone with a TV so, in the heat of the moment, I'd probably make that choice tbh.
  7. beni

    Chrome. But only for about less than a year. I had been using Internet Explorer since forever and only realised their was various browsers apart from IE when I installed Chrome. Thanks to a Tumblr friend, I started using Chrome since then and now. x3
  8. beni

    These two are beyond beautiful in every way. Edit: Also +1 those who mentioned Yuuki and Shiina Ringo <3
  9. beni

    It used to be the most important part of music to me at first, especially when I first got into Japanese two years ago. I love knowing what they're singing and the themes/ideas of the songs. Recently, there's so much music to get to now, I've stopped searching and reading along with music and just get used to giving it only listens. Lyrics are highly important to me, have been and always will be. I treasure them as much as the vocalist (biased vocalist lover, hai) and that won't change even if I try to get to them less so now.
  10. beni

    This is me in every kind of music. If I am new to a musician and they have a compilation or two out, I will always go for that. This is because I have no idea where to start off with when it comes to albums or their other works. Everyone has their own favourites so going by opinions or the general most favoured option I dislike doing since I usually prefer an artist's supposedly worst stuff (lol). As for a musician who I am already a fan of, even if it's the same songs I've heard of, I'll still want it. But only IF they're my favourite. Take Chara and Plastic Tree for example, I have their entire discographies, even complications. If they're my fav, I feel like listening to all their releases is important. Even more so with special collections like B-sides and such. The only ones I disagree with are musicians who come out with a compilation when they've just recently become active. I remember one or two bands doing this but I can't remember their names. Apart from that, sum up is, unless you're my favourite or I'm new to you, I'll pass on your complications like your EPs and singles unless that's all you've got up for now. >.<
  11. beni

    I shall linky~ Yes, I am overly proud and happy to being able to do these because me doing something well is rare. XD I said 'tricks' but they're not really tricks. x'D I fail.
  12. The only one person I've managed to do and having said that in the random thoughts thread is my college friend Joshua. I showed him a couple artists like FEMM and TK but when I showed him AKB48 out of everyone, he fell for them only. X'D
  13. I don't know about accuracy, but I can't stop laughing. Thank you Tumblr feat. GIFs.
  14. beni

    I love to do string tricks. I'm actually quite good at it since I can do the majority of them, yay. x3
  15. beni

    So this. Well, true in most cases. xD Edit: I am watching One Piece atm, only started it ahaha.
  16. beni

    Honey... how? X'D Things I'm currently addicted to... a certain someone (chu know who chu are~) and BUMP OF CHICKEN. x3
  17. beni

    Having a part of a song in your head but you can't remember what the song is called nor the musician who did it is one of my most torturous things ever. ._.
  18. beni

    Thanks to those who came yesterday, I hope you had fun. Putting this out early just so everyone knows: there will be no theme tomorrow.
  19. beni

    I'm at the half way point of listening to 'A N D,' and I'm backing up Saku-san on this one. I guess it was because I was expecting something terrible after reading all your opinions beforehand that it's sounding pretty great to me now at track six. I agree about the melodies usually being none existance in the majority of the sounds and that they morph into one another at certain points, but I disagree about the vocalist being a bad part in this. I feel the same way as Saku-san on this too, that the vocalist is the best part (yes, I say that about all bands but shhhhhh ;3). I also really like that last fact, that they're an all girl band now. x3 Might be in denial just because of this lol. I've loved three out of the six tracks so far so I'm guessing I'll give this a good score tbh. It's an interesting listen after having read through the inputs so yay for posts!
  20. beni

    Happy birthday guys~ @Mr Bacon @Mr.0 @Justacyborg ;3
  21. beni


    Yesssh, tea drinker and someone who spends their time well in bed, aha. Really nice music taste and a varied taste at that, some of which aren't ever brought up, wow. I feel like mecha and fast cars goes together very nicely, awesomeness. xD And that username and signature, omg, perf. I hope you enjoy your time here, thank you for the lovely introduction and I hope to see you around. ^^
  22. beni

    Aww no, it's fine. Just say what you'd be up for instead so we all can do ones we all like, you know? See you there! : 3
  23. beni

    Going to start a plug session to celebrate today being the last day of college since it's Easter break. Anyone and everyone is welcome of course. This'll be in about an hours time. Also, this might be a very appropriate time to bring up the upcoming Sunday plug theme, since we messed that up before and only have one day left of discussing it now. xD So, how does everyone feel about the muchly wanted 'comedy' theme? We can go with another if anyone else inputs of course.
  24. beni

    Happy birthday hons~ @jurideluhi and @Tsuruneru
  25. Johnny Yong Bosch. <3 Beautiful.
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