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Everything posted by beni

  1. omg, weren't they major before? [4] April Fools' Day? Trolling, surely, but I'll stay hopeful anyway. x3
  2. beni

    Happy birthday to today's lovely batch of MHers! @Cruircuth @Maloidioday @HongKei @oneeyedjoe @Rexim @KuroiKurage
  3. beni

    It is official, congrats~ Now I can call you Stallion and it wouldn't look weird in the threads, aha. Also, random thought (lol), but anything being released on April first really riles me to no end. Like, come on, you just happened to want to release something on THAT day? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME FEEL LIKE THIS IS A JOKE AND THAT I SHOULDN'T BE HAPPY SUPPOSEDLY BELIEVING THIS TO ACTUALLY BE A RELEASE BECAUSE THIS IS ACTUALLY A JOKE AND THE BETRAYAL I PUSHED AT THE BACK OF MY MIND COMES TO LIGHT AND IT'S ONLY TEARS FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH. /capsrantison
  4. I absolutely adore her song 'Army of Me' which was inserted in one of my favourite films, 'Sucker Punch.' I first discovered her there and that wasn't too long ago, admittedly. Then I later realised she did that song 'Oh so quiet' and practically punched myself for not remembering her. She has a glorious voice and I just know by that I MUST check out her albums some time. I've downloaded her recent one because of the fantastic cover art and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her.
  5. beni

    Age used to bother me when I was younger but so did everything I believed to be weird was wrong in my books. That's just how most of us are, even when we're in our teen years and older. But with time and growing up, I've come to realise that it's not a problem. And it shouldn't be a problem. Since when does age come into love anyway? I think that's what happens when you get older, since seeing elderly couples makes it less weird really. Imagine an eighteen year old with a twenty eight year old. Now some people might think this as bizzare, but then look at it when both are aged over thirty. They'd be a couple aged thirty five and fourty five. Even over a ten age gap, it doesn't matter as long as the love is true and the age gap is fine between the two involved. No one else outside should affect what the couple want to be right. Even taking my grandma as an example, her husband was twenty years over her age, yet she and he and no one else saw it as problematic. The only obvious problem is anyone under that eighteen mark is an easy and instant no-no zone. And if it's an elderly dude with a loada dosh with a -50 age compared to him lass around his arms, then that's probably not happening, amirite? (see link for such an example) There's a series on TV right now that looks into age gap love called, you guessed it, 'Age Gap Love,' and it's a pretty nice and genuine documentary on this discussion.
  6. Absolutely awesome to see him back and I must say, melody is on with that spot. Oh yish. x'3
  7. beni

    The only thing I can think of is rap, but only sometimes. I love a few Japanese rappers so I'm not all against it. It's just the mainstream rappers I'm thinking of. The lyrics can be appalling, and the messages behind the songs can be really dumb. That's just imo~
  8. beni

    Ballads and bad vocals. <3 And autotune. <3
  9. beni

    Backing up Bjork's, Togawa's and BORIS' ones, in particular, the latter one I was going to include myself. I love the artist, beautiful work. I've got more than enough loves from VK so this is just a VK stash of album covers I've fallen for. Kagrra, - Shu Reason: On the topic of artistry, my first selection goes to the artist who does Kagrra,'s works. Not just this cover, but all of Kagrra,'s covers are undenirably pleasant and beautiful. This one is my favourite at the moment. Its light pink colour doesn't turn me off but only highlights the cover's elegance. And the traditional appearance of the woman is just perfect in association with Kagrra,'s style. I really love the subtle differences in Limited and Regular additions as noticable above (L/R). kannivalism - Helios Reason: What caught my attention with this cover is how similar it is to THE NOVEMBERS' glorious art covers (in which I would include here but they don't fit in >.<). It's right bang in the middle to make for a simple yet striking album cover. The colours are dim and seem grazed, making it look a bit worn with time. But it's the fantasical aspect of it I adore. It's almost like a home unrooted above the clouds, and that is a really pretty thought and representation. cocklobin - Iris Reason: Probably the most simple of my batch, cocklobin's album cover has some of the prettiest and most elegant curves, swirls and font I think I've ever seen on an album cover. It all mixes wonderfully with the monochrome all together. It's a pattern I'd love to have around my home; it's just so inviting and classy. VELVET EDEN - Double Twelve Reason: More elegance comes in the form of dark imagery. I love it when an image can look so haunting, and this comes in one of the best forms as VELVET EDEN's album. The figure's face is taken over by a skull instead, surrounded by darkness. This makes for a really captivating image. Not only this but because the figure is in a fabulous headwear and set from head to toe, it's really flattering and fancy. And the circle pattern behind it just adds to the whole picture. And finally, that text. Everything just works to create a perfect cover. Suzaku - Zessaishu Reason: More artistry and skulls for my final spot. The skull background/border nicely centers the main piece of the Kimono wearing and smoking woman. It's quite traditional thanks to the whole attire of the woman, and the red colours mix splendidly together with the black and white. More elegance and class delivered.
  10. beni

    In VK, off the top of my head, girugamesh's NOW and The GazettE's TOXIC seems to be more disliked than liked, but my all time favourite in VK which seems to go unnoticed is EAT YOU ALIVE's Apocalypsis. A flawless album, one of my firm favourites in VK. Also, seconding vistlip's THEATER to the heavens.
  11. Thirding 9GOATS BLACK OUT but with their song Negai.
  12. beni

    Happy birthday to @KitsuneFreak!
  13. Night owl. The sun pains me, I prefer the moon and dark. Much regret to my original, random answer X'D
  14. beni

    Happy birthday to @Raine_Estrella! And to a great friend, @WhirlingBlack!! <3
  15. *flails around in excitement* I am not leaving this page until I know what's up.
  16. beni

    Hello and welcome to MH! Great to have you, thank you for the lovely introduction. Interesting tastes, I'm usually exclusively into Japanese music but I enjoy a bit of Korean and Chinese (Mandopop more so) now and then. Awesomeness! No worries about your age, still hella young you know. Great to have some Sensei's around aha. And not boring at all, most of our schedule is the same I believe lol. We're cool. I don't really use Twitter much at all but I've added you on Last.fm. ;3 See you around, enjoy! Also, great sig and avi. ^^
  17. beni

    More like fav YouTubers down here. ^^;; Rob Dyke I have a mega crush on him and his videos are hella interesting. It's a win win. He does comedy and horror sort of videos. 'SERIOUSLY STRANGE' and 'Serial Killer Files' are interesting if you can stomach the gorey descriptions and murder stories. It's eerie and depressing though so, warning to you all. 'Why would you put that on the internet?' series is really entertaining too. On a brighter note, my other favourite YouTuber is TobyTurner/Tobuscus/TobyGames. He is so precious! He's hilarious and so charming and just an absolute joy to see and watch. As you can see he has many channels but they're all comical, from video game playing to 'LITERAL' videos of him putting on a dramatic voice over a video game trailer (see vid below), it's all for humouring us all silly. Other favourite is Markiplier. Exactly like Toby, he is ever such a gent having done charity work and being just an all round loving and caring chap. He also plays video games and varied ones at that so it's entertaining and different all the time. His compilations (see vid below) I adore watching before bed when I can, he's just too much in the best way. Really enjoying Boyinaband thanks to our lovely @CAT5 having showed me him.
  18. beni

    Khloe has the same birthday as me. That is all I can add to this thread. ^^
  19. beni

    Mum is strictly into Kate Bush. Nothing else matters. She only likes a few tracks on mainstream music TV, but that's it. It's hilarious trying to show her anything else because she instantly says it's bad and doesn't give it a chance. Nan is into the old classics like Elvis, her favourite. She's a lot more open to music but that's because she's way too sweet and doesn't mind listening to even Vocaloid and DEATHGAZE. Rock on, nanny~
  20. beni

    I feel like the largest fanbases are the most intense but that's just from an outsider's POV. Ones like The GazettE and Dir En Grey can be pretty... yeah. That's just my view on it so the smaller bands, such as Kiryu and older favs with much less talk about them appear a lot more peaceful than active and massive ones.
  21. beni

    Happy birthday to @beaux for today~
  22. Dead thread reviving spree~

  23. beni

    beni - About 195,000,000 results benibana - About 394,000 results benibanana - About 5,660 results #name-evolution
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