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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    YESH, REVIEW! <3 Awesomeness~ I'd probably give it the same score. I'd just be repeating myself on what I think of the album since my opinion hasn't changed so I'll just quote. Thank you for this. Sorry to @yakihiko and for doing that to you both. >.< I was looking forward too much to responses of the album aha.
  2. beni

    Reviving due to that new album release. I am surprised not to see any thoughts/opinions on it yet and even a review. So, what did you guys make of it? I only listened to them occasionally and have given their albums 'The WORLD Ruler' and 'Killer Show' listens, but haven't returned to them for a bit. I enjoyed them loads though and I personally think, while this album started off pretty weak, it progressed into a strong one with stand out points in later songs. I'm not impressed, but I'm happy to have given it a listen mainly due to the later part of it being quite catchy and fun.
  3. beni

    A happy birthday wish to our @Clover_Style~
  4. beni

    ^ Same first thought, but I'll still keep my eyes on this.
  5. beni

    My whole year summed up. *shares the same pain*
  6. beni

    Happy birthday @hideki_ and @Manatsu~ : 3
  7. beni

    Recently started watched Kill la Kill. I've been out of anime for more than a good whole year. No regrets in starting to watch it, many regrets in being so late to watch it.
  8. beni

    Happy, happy birthday to both @pedromv & @Koichi-Ayame~
  9. Dat LOOK dough. x'D I am excited and intrigued.
  10. beni

    As you already know, I adore their THEATER album so seeing as you love that one as much as this one is interesting and great to read. Hopefully that'll encourage more listens itself since THEATER is such a flawless release. The intro, 'To be awake is to be alive.' is particularly enjoyable and hooked me in quickly for the kickass tracks. 'REM SLEEP' and 'Idea' both really stood out to me on the first half of the album. It was my first time listening to the single tracks and they were also really catchy, if not more so. Another I really enjoyed was 'By the rain.'. And I very much agree that the track order is well done! I see my favourite from the album is in your top picks. World is mine. is just perfecto~ Fantastic review by the way, I hope to see more from you! Edit: We have the same fav tracks. x'D
  11. beni

    Welcome back, welcome back. It's great to see you back! x3
  12. beni

    On the rare ocassions I have to go outside, it just gives me more reason to stay in my house. x'D
  13. beni

    Happy birthday you guys! @JMusicMaxcaz, @Coast and @doguramagura~
  14. I also think it depends on genre but I am more of a fan of female vocalists overall. Being a fan of mainly J-pop, I think that's become apparent.
  15. beni

    ;-; We won't have any more kyoselfloveing? <3 I mean, enjoy if you do and see you again! x3
  16. beni

    Yep! We just have to decide on a theme before the usual time hits. I forget we need to discuss/decide on it before the day. IGNORE. X'D
  17. beni

    I don't have one. [2] People I called my 'bff's left so I think it's best for me to just be in a small group of friends (which I'm doing now, hanging with two friends left in my year). Well, I see others have said their partners and I've never thought of that in this way so a shoutout to my bf on this.
  18. beni

    I just love how you used 'our birds.' x) And I was thinking that! Either is a possibility, aha. ^^ Happy birthday wishes to today's batch~ @traiana, @le gritche & @Yukii_Nishimura <- Avi win. ;3
  19. beni

    Nah, same here. XD I guess if it's recent and you know there's already an existing thread, just respond to that one, unless you can search and find it. ^^ I'll stfu now lol.
  20. beni

    Oh my goodness, no no no no, not a problem at all. If a thread has already been made, you just have to post in it to 'revive' it so there's no need to make a new thread. The search function at the top is helpful in locating all things mentioned on the forum so if you want to make a thread you think might already exist, just type a related word in there. Mods will get the job done if you make a mistake so please don't worry!
  21. I had a dream about a user here. It was nothing weird, just as friends meeting at my college so it was really cute and emotional. xD
  22. beni

    Another popped up a few hours ago so that one was morphed to this one. xD I'll edit that post now, sorry for the confusion.
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