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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/20 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    SHOXX vol. 5 + vol. 8 full scans

    Here I go logging in for the first time in (like...) six months. I've made it a (painful, admittedly) project to scan in all of my magazines in full and have them available for download. The reason being, a) it's cool to have images and know where/when they're from and b) I think it'll be good for newer fans especially to see where bands they know came from/the culture at the time. I tend to get slightly frustrated when people seem to completely rip bands apart from their context or not really be aware of the wider culture at the time. I'm putting this up on a blogspot (please enjoy my very marketable skill in web design) and here's the links. I'll add some previews to this post (they'll be quite small, apologies). The next one I'm scanning is volume 29. I need to put up volume 15 too; the scans are each about 2GB (zipped) so it's for the very dedicated. Enjoy ! from vol. 5: from vol. 8: page links: volume 5 : https://biological-slicer.blogspot.com/2020/09/shoxx-vol-5-september-1991-full-scans.html volume 8 : https://biological-slicer.blogspot.com/2020/09/shoxx-vol-8-1992-full-scans.html
  2. 4 points

    random thoughts thread

    Man, the world is just so fucking weird. About 6-7 years ago I used to take the night bus home drunk and kept meeting the same guy, a "thrasher" who had similar taste to me, and we always talked about music, girls and whatever. And we usually joked about starting a thrash metal band together, inspired by Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust etc. But just as a joke of course. Over the past 3 months or, me and a very good friend, have had some of my good friend's friends play stuff for us as neither of us play any instruments (I've written the songs, but I can't play any instruments so we need session musicians). I know the drummer and bassist from before, but the guitarist, who is a friend of my friend, is someone I did not know who was. I do know his band and all, but not who he was. I did however meet the guitarist for the first time yesterday as we were filming some promo stuff and god damn it, it was the guy from 6+ years ago. And now he's playing with my band, playing thrash metal inspired by Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust etc. It's so fucking random and weird. How the hell? Hahaha! But fun of course. Always seemed like a really nice and cool guy, so that's a huge plus.
  3. 3 points
    ...no matter what he did, I still listen to ReS welcome back vkei (?)
  4. 2 points
    RAZOR new maxi-single "眠れぬアステカ" (Nemurenu Aztec) will be released at 2020/11/04 (2 types) TYPE A (1980yen) will incude CD and DVD TYPE B (1650yen) will include CD only
  5. 2 points
    This is sooo ~randum~, but hey. I really wanna see people's replies to this If you had to describe one (or more) of your favorite vk band(s) with one piece of media, be it a paragraph, a lyric, a picture, a song, an mv, an interview, whatever - how would you describe it? That one thing you saw and went "oh, ok, this is quintessentially ___". This idea actually crossed my mind when I felt this watching Nazuki by Nightmare - a PV not many would consider their favorite but I really liked back then and completely forgot why, until I went back to it years later and realized the mess it is lol. From there I realized that I only like messy bands most bands would have something like that you consider to be a "classical (this band)" thing, so... please introduce me to your favorite band(s) with one piece of media alone! No need to explain it, just go! (The weirder, the better.)
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    Yep, saw it maybe a year or so ago, so I thought it was long overdue to watch the sequel. It was pretty fun! I liked the first one more but this was completely fine too. Gotta love all those wacky death scenes and elaborate traps, haha (and the ending with that music was really great too). Too bad they didn't make more sequels.
  8. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    The director and main cast of Get Duked! directed and appeared in the newest Run the Jewels with 2 Chainz btw. HE's done some music videos before, and he did include Run the Jewels on the soundtrack of Get Duked!. That's actually how I got across the movie. I was watching the video and saw who the directed and cast was. That's so cool! Dr. Phibes Rises Again is fantastic. Have you seen the excellent The Abominable Dr. Phibes as well? It's awesome. Robert Fuest is a fantastic and sadly underrated director, and Vincent Price is, obviously, one of the greats names in all of cinema. Robert Quarry is also one of the greats. Amazing actors!
  9. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    @Bear LOL, looks great, thanks for the recommendation! Definitely gonna check. And while I'm here I gotta mention I saw I'm Thinking of Ending Things yesterday and wow.... I did not like it. Too long, too pretentious and even though it managed to slowly ramp up the unsettling/uncomfortable factor for a while, it all just got incredibly tiresome and boring by the last 45 mins or so. Shame it all went to shit, because somewhere in the middle there was a good chunk that I absolutely loved (and the whole movie was nicely shot/composed). Also, afterwards I read the Wiki synopsis for the novel it was based on and WTF, that sounded so much better in terms of ending/conclusion, it's mind-boggling why they didn't go with that. Overall, I was very disappointed. Right now I'm watching Dr. Phibes Rises Again which is a heck of a lot more entertaining (I know, completely different ballpark), lol.
  10. 1 point
    Just the Japanese bands Versailles (For the aesthetic rich themes) Calmando Qual (For the random experimental stuff) Anthem (For the English and Japanese songwriting and fun tunes) Destrose (For the Female-led metal bands) LuLu (For the inconsistent song quality of VK bands)
  11. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    I ain't joking when I am saying this is the funniest comedy since Superbad, but alongside being fucking hilarious throughout it's also thrilling as it's got a thriller/horror element to it. Just a superb video overall. A must see! @Jigsaw9
  12. 1 point
    My favorite Girugamesh song
  13. 1 point
    I don't think it's a re-activated project, what i get is it's more likely old songs remastered (or not) + unreleased song(s) from that era.
  14. 1 point
    Interview can also be read on jrockrnoll https://jrocknroll.com/interview-with-bebop/3/ 和 (wa)(harmony) We don’t like that Punk has an aggressive image. There is a saying in Japan that goes “Respect with harmony”, which means that it;s important to not just get along with each other, but also to discuss and talk with each other firmly. We feel this is also important as a “band” as well, which is why we chose the kanji for “harmony”. Tommy: 鮫 (same)(shark) A shark is strong, beautiful and disliked. TsutomuUSA: 笑 (wara)(smile) Because I always want to give my smile to anything. Tommy: A musician can convey a lot of information at a glance, for example, melody, lyrics, style and expression. I thought it’s wonderful. I started to play the guitar after I saw a live video of THE BLUE HEARTS, I was immediately impressed by their amazing guitar performance. TsutomuUSA: I just enjoy playing. I was inspired by NOFX Tommy: I’ve been in BEBOP since my high school years. TsutomuUSA: I have played in a band since I was 17, I played in three bands before joining BEBOP. It did teach us that you never should give up, even when a band comes to a standstill, there is always someone who will share a helping hand. We’ve learned that friendship is very important and that you shouldn’t lose it. Tommy: Old-fashioned and clumsy. Tommy: When I saw “The High-Lows” at their first live tour in my hometown of Niigata, Japan. I saw the artist of my dreams in front of me, I was amazed that it was “real”. Tommy: I switched from guitar to vocals, and I started to laugh/smile on stage. Back in the days, I tried not to laugh, nowadays I wonder why I refused it. Tsutomu USA: That’s it’s gotten more dynamic. Tommy: I write songs based on the lyrics, So when I have a lyric that feels good, I’ll start writing the melody. Tommy: To escape into memories, which leads into creating lyrics. Yes, Tommy writes the lyrics and melody, and the rest is left to the band. We arrange the songs in the way we want, and after that we complete it together at the studio. Tommy: A place where you can drink alcohol endlessly. Yes, since we are a band, we're doing it in that style so it’s a challenge to find a member who can keep up with us. Tommy: The moment of when the ad-lib melody gets you hooked. Probably because you never can’t do it again. TsutomuUSA: What do you mean? playing? (Laughs) For some reason, we used to be stubborn about it. But now we are open to it, so if you see us on the floor, be free to have a chat with us. https://open.spotify.com/album/5Fs1iclSKw7EIvsM9tuSld It’s not something we can interfere with. We try to keep up our life as normal as possible, and if we get an invite to play a gig, we will try our best! Tommy: Whiskey, especially Nikka Whisky. TsutomuUSA: When I’m staring at my Shiba dog. The last live show with Fuzzy. It was a memorable and precious experience for Tommy to see his childhood friend, with whom he came to Tokyo together, leaving the band. The live performance was so memorable and valuable because the audience loved it and enjoyed it so much. Unlike some other punk bands, BEBOP are not an aggressive band at all, we do have good melodies and lyrics filled with lots of ups, downs and shadows. We hope that people who saw us live for the first time that they will leave with a positive one phrase in their mind. Tommy: Co-star with Johnny Rotten, Mercy and Hiroto! TsutomuUSA: Living on as a drummer Tommy: Just keep going! It’s not that difficult. TsutomuUSA: Everything is fun! Tommy: It’s alright to believe in what you feel it’s amazing. TsutomuUSA: Just have fun in your life.
  15. 1 point
    Satsuki had his own share of drama ( which you can read here ) Now, I don't know anything about Sana. Except for his touring is similar to Satsuki's (Baltic countries, Ukraine and e.t.c.) Similar level of desperation, I guess?
  16. 1 point
    Wait wtf. Kisaki&Satsuki and Sana&Hiroaki announcement in the same day?
  17. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Help my kokoro😭💕
  18. 1 point
    ojisan koichi feat. ojisan miyavi — RESSURECTION 『fяom dead』....we stan 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  19. 1 point
    I kinda think that Kisaki pushed that release 'cause the song was recorded 10 years ago already. Don't think it's an "active" Project atm.
  20. 1 point
    - Sukekiyo - 9 GOATS BLACK OUT - 愛狂います。 - Nobuo Uematsu - Tekashi 6ix9ine
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Total Saikou

    random thoughts thread

    Imagine going on a date with a girl and tricking her into thinking that you speak French just by saying a bunch of VK band names like it's a sentence. Lareine Versailles? emmurée. Moi dix Mois, Baiser, L'arc en Ciel. Noir Fleurir... Noi'x.
  23. 1 point

    New retro wave/retro electro/synthwave

    Yeahhhh my boi LAZERPUNK delivering some cool visuals, nice!
  24. 1 point


    As usual Japanese bands have no concept of the idea of "rare videos". Bring out the fuzzy VHS recording of their first live performance.
  25. 1 point

    General KPOP Thread

    This group is really talented and are really wholesome people. ;____; I saw them for the first time in 2018 in Seattle when I had just started to get in to KPOP and it was a lot of fun. Since then I have made a lot of new friends because of them from all over the world. I've taken a 13 hour road trip to Calgary, AB see them, in which the members were shocked to hear I had traveled so far. I then saw them again in Seattle at the end of 2019 where they were surprised to find i brought my 8-year-old sister with me. I was also able to grab some photos of them from a busking event they did in Seattle. They're just really nice and really give an effort they don't owe us to remember their fans.
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