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  1. 5 points
  2. 3 points
    DIR EN GREY Music Clip Blu-ray/DVD "Average Sorrow" will be released at 2015/04/01 (Blu-ray 6,480yen / DVD 5,400yen)
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    ...I really thought it was only me who had that. ;; Well, this sucks! Hopefully your home page loads quicker. I always had the trouble when browsing tags. -.- xD Oh wow, I wasn't at all! I loved your xmas May one too! x'D I'm guessing you're a fan of Top Gear? I apologise if May is in something else because that is all I know he's from haha. My nan'd get along great with you if this is true. xD (thank you for the bigger version btw, I find it hilarious!) It's like you've summed up my life. o.o Great approach you have on this though. Keep it up!
  5. 2 points
    Poor foreign fans :c I wonder how many years until we will hear them.
  6. 2 points

    DEZERT new album release

    their live-distributed single "異常な階段(ijou na kaidan)" will be released at their one-man live "嘔吐のすゝめ(outo no susume)-2-" at TSUTAYA O-East at 2015/04/25 SET-LIST at 2015/01/10: 01.---- 02.「嘔吐」 03.「擬死」 04.infection 05.「不透明人間」 06.脳みそくん。 07.doze. 08.包丁の正しい使い方~実行編~ 09.肋骨少女 10.脳姦少年 11.ストロベリー・シンドローム 12.大塚ヘッドロック 13.メリーさんの自殺未遂 14.チョコレートクリームチェーンソー 15.ゴシック 16.「遺書。」 17.「殺意」 18.「変」 EN1 01.さぁミルクを飲みましょう。 02.GHOST 03.包丁の正しい使い方~思想編~ 04.死刑宣告 05.「教育」 06.「秘密」 07.「誤解」
  7. 2 points
    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, tell me about it. This is the only anime I've been keeping up with (mostly cuz I'm not sure what else to try - could certainly use your help there lol). I'm so thankful for you and flame for putting me on to this....EASILY one of the best things to ever happen to the Gundam franchise. Everything about the series is done masterfully...and it's not just one big wankfest for longtime Gundam fans (altho it is that too lol) - it's just good-ass anime. Also, what the heck...why is shingeki no bahamut such trash? I guess I have masochistic tendencies because I've watched up to like episode 8...I actually really like the character designs and the setting (fuck all that unnecessary cgi tho)...but everything about this show is a trainwreck.
  8. 1 point
    己龍(kiryu) new single "九尾(kyuubi)" will be released at 2015/04/01 (10 TYPE) btw they will hold their one-man live "龍跳狐臥(ryuuchoukoga)" since Yokohama NEW SIDE BEACH at 2015/04/03 and up to tour final at Nippon Budoukan at 2015/07/31
  9. 1 point
    it is announced at DADAROMA one-man live "DADAROMA" at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2015/01/11 that their live-limited CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released in 2015/02, although details have not yet been announced btw they will hold their free one-man live "PROPAGANDA OF DADAROMA" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/07/13 and their 1st anniversary one-man live "HIERARCHY 5" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2016/01/12 SET-LIST at 2015/01/11: 01.「溺れる魚」(oboreru sakana) 02.イントロ(intro) 03.MONEY 04.コンクリート(concrete) 05.SEX! 06.螺子(neji) 07.モルヒネ#1(morphine #1) 08.モルヒネ#2(morphine #2) 09.モルヒネ#3(morphine #3) 10.腐ったミカンの方程式(kusatta mikan no houteishiki) 11.ベルカとストレルカ(belka to strelka) EN1 01.KIDS WAR 02.腐ったミカンの方程式(kusatta mikan no houteishiki)
  10. 1 point
    DELUHI best album "VANDALISM [Σ]" will be (re-)released at 2015/03/25 (3,996yen), which will include CD (including remastering songs)+DVD+lyrics booklet (44 pages) and will be in 2D wide jewel case, and first press will further include bonus CD [CD track list] 01.HYBRID TRUTH 02.Two Hurt 03.G.A.L.D 04.REVOLVER BLAST 05.シェイド(shade) 06.LORELEI 07.黄泉の譲り葉(yomi no yuzuriha) 08.Vivid Place 09.Rebel:Sicks, Shadow:Six 10.Baby play 11.s[K]ape:goat 12.Orion once again 13.砂の泉(suna no izumi) 14.Frontier 15.The farthest 16.Departure [first press bonus CD track list] 01.NO SALVATION '09 02.Recall(2009 Re-Recording ver.) [DVD track list] 01.HYBRID TRUTH 02.s[K]ape:goat 03.Two Hurt 04.REVOLVER BLAST 05.Frontier 06.The farthest 07.Departure
  11. 1 point

    Merry - NOnsenSe MARkeT

    I think they probably put 群青 as the final track, because they wanted to end the album on a positive note. The lyrics of that song carry a lot of meaning. It's about staying hopeful through bad times, and even though it was written 2.5 years ago, it definitely applies to Merry right now as well. Tetsu made a comeback to play one song in their Jan 2nd live and that was the song they decided to play. So I think it's exactly where it should be on the album, because it's essentially a positive song unlike all the others. As for the album, I love it. It's not perfect, but that's kind of what I love about Merry. They're best when they don't try too hard and just do what they want without any pressure. They've never been about making some fine art, since they're a punk band at heart. They just make catchy songs with original melodies that are fun to perform live and that you can listen to 1000 times without getting bored. Even though I enjoyed Beautiful Freaks as well (this is my favourite band for a reason) it did feel a bit "airbrushed" and muddled with too much distortion. It was missing that edge that really makes it interesting and now it's back! And even though I love Yuu, BF was almost all him and I was really missing songs by the other members. This time it's 4.5 tracks by Yuu, 4 by Nero, 2.5 by Tetsu, 1 by Kenichi and 2 by Merry as a whole. And that adds so much to the variety of styles! Favourite songs: 暗闇にピンク - I can't tell you how much I've missed listening to Kenichi play his own cool melodies in my left ear, so I was positively ecstatic hearing this song. Truth be told, if I had to pick my 10 favourite Merry songs ever, then most of them would probably be by Kenichi and this might even make the list. One of their best songs in while. The vocals are great too. Unreachable Voice - This song doesn't really sound like Merry, but I mean that in a good way. It shows their versatility. It's very calming, yet not boring at all. It's all in the details. Just sounds classy and really highlights how beautiful Gara's voice is. Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~ - Listening to the previews I thought I was gonna hate this song, but it turned out to be one of my favourites. It's just super cool somehow and sounds so very Tetsu. Hide-and-seek - Can't say no to surf rock Merry! I mean 哀しみブルートレイン is the song that got me hooked on this band in the first place, so yes, I love it. 千代田線デモクラシー - It's punky, it's retro and it's silly. Just like Merry. I always approve of the accordion. Carnival - Might have been higher on the list if I hadn't already listened to it a thousand times when it first came out. One of their best songs recently. Nero's been quite prolific lately and I like it. NOnsenSe MARkeT - Not my favourite on the album, but a good song nonetheless. I like the lyrics and the PV is amazing. And yes, you are supposed to read NO SMART in the title and NO ART in the intro track title, in case anyone's wondering. I don't do stars, but all in all I really enjoy this album and feel it was worth the wait. Feels like we got what one might call the old Merry back. I also like the album art, which is flowers made out of dead mice and rats (snake food from the pet shop that is). It goes together with the whole zombie theme of Merry coming back from the dead. I also love the bonus CD, because I love acoustic Merry and have been hoping to have some on a CD since forever. I think acoustic arrangements really highlight how good Merry's songwriting is. It's not reliant on special effects. The melodies can stand on their own, which is something that is sorely lacking in modern rock music IMHO. The fluttering guitars on Kanaria are just genius. I also thought all the live tracks sound great and I prefer the one of 群青 to the one on the album. Screams of the Dark is also a nice bonus. What a fun song! Oh and I've read the comparison to 9mm Parabellum Bullet in several threads now and I don't get where it's come from all of a sudden. The only thing these bands have in common is that they both derive from old retro styles and combine that with modern punkrock (which is actually why I used to be a fan of 9mm too). However, Merry had already branded "retrock" before 9mm even existed and still manage to churn out original songs 13 years later, whereas 9mm has been making the same song over and over again since about their second album. I actually own Termination, but have lost interest in them a long time ago now, since they keep repeating themselves and that's my pet peeve when it comes to bands. Not that this matters anyway, since I never thought these bands sound alike. Just had to get that off my chest.
  12. 1 point
    I'd love to see a PV for some other new song on ARCHE on here. Soshaku, Uroko, Tousei, Chain Repulsion and Behind a Vacant Image would be my first picks
  13. 1 point
    The chili dog is important in fully conveying my feelings. True, but this is way better than 2013 and 2014 without Itsue!
  14. 1 point

    Madeth gray'll

    IMO both of those are bands that White People care about more than actual Japanese fans... (because they look cool)
  15. 1 point
    Kiryu always have been at the forefront of multi-type fuckery, haha. I'm interested to see just how different the 10 types will be.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    This is too stupid I can't even laugh right now
  18. 1 point
    Dr.TERO(ex-Vidoll, now in †яi¢к) will act as their support Dr. since TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/01/24 and up to 2015/02
  19. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Of course! The other shows that May host are pretty fun to watch as well! But, that's just me of course. Womp womp. D:
  20. 1 point

    X JAPAN important announcement

    But no album of course. And soon? How long is that in Yoshiki years?
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    they will hold their coupling tour "the end of envy" with AvelCain as folow : 2015.03.16 at Ikebukuro CYBER, 2015.03.24 at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL and 2015.03.25 at OSAKA RUIDO
  23. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    going to need to save money for a while now~ AL - Addiction Annies Black - PLACE AUBE - P.S. ERIZA - OVER GLEIVE - スクリーンフィアンセ jassy - ピーチ太郎/mug cup jassy - KING OF PASSION JENNIE - HATE Nihilizm - Lily V.A. - DEEP MORE DEEP V.A. - DEEP MORE DEEP #2 合法ロリ☆パンクドリーミングディスコ - 妄想ディナー
  24. 1 point
    トランスノート(trance note) has opened their OHP at 2015/01/11 http://trance-snow-note.com/
  25. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    I need tumblr to keep up with new pictures of my beauties xD
  26. 1 point
    Currently Watching Log Horizon 2 , its interesting like SAO . Kantai Collection - im gonna withheld my opinion for now , but it seems like its gonna be nothing else than fanservice . Ive hoped they go for some story but the first episode does not promise much . Aldnoah Zero 2 , still waiting for first episode but i already can tell its gonna be a good one like the first one , Slaine i hope you fukin die in the first episode . Detective Conan , probably one of the best shows ever , the fact that its still running and each new movie makes more cash than the last one just shows how popular it is , also the story and characters are just awesome . Nanatsu no Taizai , so much overpowered characters here , like the animation and characters , but ive just started this so cant say much bout the story . Just ended watching Mayo Chiki - ive just ended this one , the concept was interesting but they failed miserably only a 5/10 score for this as it does not even have a proper ending . Mushibugyou , man this was so great just ended watching this a second time when ive just watched it for the first time a 2 weeks ago , this anime has some really nice action and interesting story and characters , altough i would love to see a second season i already know it want happen as the anime industry cares only for second seasons of boring ecchi fanservice shows . GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) for the 5th time , this show is never getting to boring and never gets to old . Its one of those that i like to rewatch every now and then cause it sooo goddamn good . Planning to watch Sakurasou Pet no Kanojo
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Tumblr has finally stopped with the loading posts always crashing on me, yay~ Also, Crube-san. ^ I said it once in the chat and cannot stop looking at it because; that avi, 10/10. xD
  29. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

  30. 1 point

    DELUHI best album "VANDALISM [Σ]" release

    I might just be really naïve but I am looking forward to this release, even if I've already listened to and enjoyed their 'VANDALISM' album so much. I wouldn't even mind paying for another album of theirs if this is it. I can only hope that this is actually like a 'foreshadowing' of a possible regroup. I like the added tracks/re-recordings being included (obviously xD), but, I'll probably end up thinking it is just the label being greedy if the release is all that's happening, and I don't want to think that. DeadRose above me pretty much sums this up for me. ;;
  31. 1 point

    Women in Visual kei

    I think they are still active, They released some materials (Albums, EPs, Live DVDs). . . . and this month they will release an album called Violetta Operetta
  32. 1 point
    Uhh...If it was scheduled to rake up some money, why not hold a couple of memorial lives or something like that instead? It's really confusing.
  33. 1 point


    You cant take what he wrote for serious , there are a hell lot of ppl who started to listen to Babymetal because of the ppl who work on composing those songs , not just cause there are 3 cute girls . There is even a song composed by Yuyoyuppe , not to mention im more interested in seeing their live DVD's especially cause of their new Kami band members like Leda and Takayoshi Ohmura , not to mention Ryo from Blood Stain Child who was one of the former Kami .
  34. 1 point
    okay new series impressions let go! Absolute Duo Well It's ecchi, what more is there to say? xD naw though it's not overly echhi or anything like that, just here and there... at least judging by the first episode, I doubt it will get anywhere near the echhi level of stuff like Makken-Ki or Highschool DxD. the main character is cool just because he uses a shield as his spirit weapon or whatever and the fact that it seems like he is actually gonna use his own ability and skill to fight instead of relying on this power. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu I've heard a lot of good things about this series and now that it's being animated I decided to give it a shot, and my conclusion on the first episode is that it's a really fun show that could be pretty good Koro sensei himself is really great definitely the driving character of the show and even though on the surface it looks like a series to not take seriously I stand corrected by the end of the first episode. It seems it does have it's serious moments too. This is one that I'm looking forward to watching more of. Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! This is... different to say the least. Actually to tell you the truth I would be really embarrassed to watch this in front of anyone I know... The humor isn't really clicking with me after the first episode either, I might have to drop this one after a few more if it doesn't start getting better for me. Death Parade Now this is definitely my top new series that I've watched in the past week. I think it's gonna be something pretty awesome if the rest of the show is anything like the first episode. the whole concept that was introduced in this episode is brilliant for a show like this and the seriousness of the premise looks to be a great fit. I'm not gonna go to into detail here because that would spoil the first episode. but seriously check this one out, it looks really promising so far. Kantai Collection: KanColle Aww Kancolle anime let's go! I'm not terribly familiar with Kantai collection other than a few doujins I've read and a mountain of fanart I've perused, but from the looks of the first episode I think you don;t need to have a terrible amount of knowledge to be able to follow the story. I enjoyed the first episode but that's me, for someone that doesn't know what to expect it could be a lot different. Military! LOL this show is just one of those short four minute for fun shows... I got a few laughs out of the first episode, just a fun little show to get a few chuckles without really wasting anytime at all doing. Shinmai Maou no Testament another echhi show and a harem at that it seems. doesn't seem too bad at first glance, not overly ecchi either and I actually do kinda like the main characters so far. we'll see where this goes. The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls One word comes to mind, Cute! that's what this show is and if that appeals to you then you are gonna love it. First episode is pretty good and by far my favorite part was the misunderstandings with the producer xD Yuri Kuma Arashi Lol this show is out there that's for sure and it's weird and cute and pretty entertaining to watch, and did i mention there's a lot of fucking yuri scenes so if that is your thing then here you go this show is for you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the point of the show right now so yeah it's one of those. Okay I still have more to watch so when I'm done I guess I'll come back and do another round up. one more thing watched the new JoJo's and fuck it's good... that's all for now.
  35. 1 point


    +1 The situation is not so serious that people need to attack one another for their differences.
  36. 1 point


    There's a lot of long time metalheads who like it, though. Some people aren't so rigid that they can actually enjoy metal mixed with other styles. If you don't like it, that's cool. But I really hate when people assume "only idiots like this". A lot of people enjoy cheesy and fun things. Metal is a genre that often takes itself way too seriously. I think Babymetal offer people a break from that.
  37. 1 point
    I'm loving the new single release, they absolutely impressed me! I'm particularly fond of the b-sides the most so I'm definitely ready for the next album. I figured it would come out this year due to the whole 15th anniversary deal, but not this soon. This will also be their tenth album so I'm hoping for something on the level of anima and the self-titled album.
  38. 1 point


    the good songs are getting better and better with each listen. In detail this is Tosei, Behind a vacant image, Tefutefu, Chain repulsion, Kaishun, Phenomenon.
  39. 1 point

    Banner Band Suggestions

    avelcain, and new Lycaon with ichiro
  40. 1 point

    R.I.P. plug.dj

    Anyone coming to hang out now that the Plugocalypse is over? Edit: Sorry, it's not over. =__=
  41. 1 point
    I Just watched the new Gundam Build Fighters Try episode and holy shit was it amazing! Like seriously that episode was epic as fuck, I'm not even mad about there not being an episode last week, this weeks more than made up for it in awesomness
  42. 1 point

    METEOROID band name change to "MeteoroiD"

    they will hold their one-man live "塵積もり蚕産まれ(chiritsumori kaikoumare)" at Meguro Rock May Kan at 2015/05/23
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point

    Banner Band Suggestions

    That's adorable :aww: I think there should also be Plastic Tree.
  45. 1 point

    Banner Band Suggestions

    I'd love to see D'espairsRay banner ;A;
  46. 1 point
    What I don't like about western "Visual Kei" bands is that most if not all of them only focus on achieving the VK look but they don't try to replicate the more typical Visual Kei sound, that is something like old school Visual kei, fast drumming, changes in speed, hypnotic sinister melodies, etc like bands such as Aliene Ma'riage, Lar~Mia, what Dir en grey did in GAUZE, etc and more etc. And then most of them seem to write cheesy lyrics; there isn't much about writing songs with provoking lyrics. And there isn't a dramatic element in what they present visually either. No theatrical performances. I think that Visual Kei bands in other Asian countries tend to be closer to Japanese Visual Kei though. This is my very personal opinion on what I would expect in a western band that it is supposed to do Visual Kei.
  47. 1 point
    And now I can go sleep sweetly! Best post of the night! Maybe I am speaking partially because I am Italian too...
  48. 1 point
    ^ There's no way he's swedish with name Sebastiano and surname Serafini. 5 seconds of googlin' confirm he's italian. You just want to judge him without even knowing who is he.
  49. 1 point
    I just don't get why some people who seem to hate this guy, or the band he's in still pop up here, in a thread dedicated to him and post Stupid comments saying how much they hate him If you don't like him, just ignore the news related to him Also you seem to criticize him because he's gaijin doing VK, remember also that you are gaijins listening to VK, what's the difference between you and him now ? he's singing, you're listening.
  50. 1 point
    This is just ridiculous. I have no idea what this guy have done that he receives so much negative. Not the first one and not the last gaijin in visual kei. End of the story.
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