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How important are usernames/internet handles to you?

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I know that I personally am very picky about what my usernames are and how they look when you write them etc.

I also have a tendency to get bored with them easily so I change a lot...


is it a big deal to you or could you care less?

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I think they are quite important for me. Here in the internetz one's username (and avatar) are the things that leave the first impression on others, and tbqh I just couldn't take seriously anyone whose username was sth like  ~^rukisamaisk4w411_98^~. I wouldn't really imagine someone being comfortable with a nickname like that. I value usernames that are easy to remember and at least in some way original. Not that my own nickname is the most original and most unique username ever, I have just used it for many years and don't feel like changing it.

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I totally feel that. I dont want someone to look at my username and just automatically be like "Oh they're one of /those/ people" i.e rukisamaisk4w411_98 e___e

Especially when you're an older person on the webs, you need to be looked at with some amount of dignity! .__.

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I totally feel that. I dont want someone to look at my username and just automatically be like "Oh they're one of /those/ people" i.e rukisamaisk4w411_98 e___e

Especially when you're an older person on the webs, you need to be looked at with some amount of dignity! .__.


Yeah, I totally feel you. I think a username is great if others can't figure out your main interestes, age etc just based on your username, Because otherwise your whole personality and life will be watered down to only those details. It's the same in real life. If you decide to tattoo your whole face with something idiotic, you can't expect people to not treat you differently. Your username (and avatar) is your virtual face, and if your username is plastered with stupid shit, you will probably notice people won't take you as seriously as they otherwise would.

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Never really cared that much, try to avoid random numbers and too long usernames though as they are not cool in my books. Also for some silly reason like to hide some meaning or message in my usernames : ...

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Honestly, I put just about no thought into any of my usernames, which is why they're usually pretty random/lame. I usually just stick two things I like together.  It's never really been a problem for me, since by the time I get bored with a username I'm usually interested another site anyway.

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I usually like for my usernames to "mean something", although in a few cases I've used names that I just thought sounded "cool", heh.


For instance, CAT5 was originally a reference to the Category 5 Cable. I was studying some IT/newtorking at the time and thought it had a nice ring to it, plus it was somewhat of a metaphor for me being the "connection" between MH (tainted world at the time) and another forum called jsalad lol.


ofc I started playing into the whole cat motif a bit later on because users would commonly refer to me as "CAT", and well, cats are cool so why not? ; )

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My name dates back to WinMX-Days, where I used to change my name every now and then depending on my mood, until this one kinda got stuck. XD Since then I used this for many, but not all sites, where I have to pick a username.


And while the name has got a story behind it, it was picked without deeper consideration and I hadn't really planned to use this for such a long time. I can say that I am lucky though that the name I got stuck with is one that is kinda "general" and unspecific. I would probably be annoyed if I got stuck with a name that is an allusion to some band/song that I no longer listen to. For example, back on WinMX I also used to have a name that was connected to Dir en grey for a while. And while I still like whatever DeG I liked back then, I went pretty much out of touch with them nowadays and wouldn't want to run around with a Dir-en-grey-centric username for the rest of my internet life. XD People would probably get the impression I'm a huge DeG-fan, when I'm really not.


My current name, such as it is, is pretty timeless, and so are other aliasas I use, like different variations of "elmtree". They don't allude to any specific fandoms. Unless you count the fandom of trees. ;)

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I have used this name since 2005 firstly active as a Batsu member.

A fun fact I have never told anyone is that I named it after this song.

I'm not quite good at naming tbqh. XD



Plus, IMO, it's a feeling that greatly fits a music fan especially when you listen to an old song, it'll bring your old good nostalgic memories as if it was a time capsule.

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I don't tend to take usernames too seriously. I typically choose what has my feelings at the moment and run with it.  I do themes with others if I can change it at will. I think I chose this one when Juka decided retirement. With some other sites and forums, I get annoyed when I can't use asian characters so I give up pick something basic. 

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My main username Bardie is pretty important to me. I named myself after a Dragon Ball Z character who I nicknamed by the same name. I've been going by this name for about 2-3 years now, and my friends (online obviously) know me only by that name. Before, I had a habit of changing my name every 3 years, but now, this name has really grown on me. I'd use it as a penname if only people would stop getting it confused as Barbie. ;w;


As for this name I'm using here, HIZAKAMI is just a name I'm using for when I'm in the visual kei/J-rock fandom; I used to call myself 'dyxanadu' but I didn't wanna be called 'dick' all the time by people who don't listen to Moi dix Mois, so I changed it. (Dyxanadu was supposed to be a pun on MdM's album, Dixanadu, except dyke + dixanadu = dyxanadu) Also, it's a name I use on the Visual Kei Wiki. Doesn't really mean much to me tbh.

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I love my username haha.  I've had this username for over 10 years so it means a lot to me xD  When I was younger I was just so captivated by Kyo touching himself on stage, and voila.  Plus seeing teachers reactions when they asked for my email was also satisfying.  

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I use solely many variations of my first nickname (which also happens to be one of my first, frequent irl nicknames too) when in the forums and so (last.fm might be an exception but whooo caareesss)


So yeah, nickname choices in my case really matter :) (and no, I didn't intend to refer to one of the worst bloggers ever with my current nick, sorry ppl!)

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I've only ever had one internet handle. Don't ask me where the "Original" comes from because I won't be able to tell you since I don't really remember why I included that part myself. I however do sometimes use a different handle on some other sites where I don't want to be known or recognized... but on those I don't really do anything but lurk, so it's more like an alias than a handle that people know be by.


but obviously if we're talking about who has the most Original internet handle... It's oh so obvious who's the winner :P

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At first that important but being around the J-rock fandom, and certain websites really opened my eyes to how 'significant' they are. If you're pretty active, people do take note of who you are and having a specific user name helps tie a name to the posts. Just recently when I went to the chat, I was recognized by some old Batsu users (I thought everyone from that site that I didn't know, went off the map) who knew how much of a die hard Gaze fan I was back then. Feels pretty good. Obv. for some it may not be that important but to each his/her own y'know.

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they annoy me so much . i can't choose especcially the moment i have to register i get completely blank and with no ideas. while other hours i might have great ideas that i forget after. so i end up frustrating like an hour unable to find one username,  even if it's to sign for the most  stupid thing.and end up using something random.

that sure has some relevance as a story of why i chose it with my interests.but it's not something others can understand unless it's a song title

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I used 'Rocketeer' as a reference in tie of the Fallout games and Team Rocket when I originally started my account on the Serebii forums, however a lot of people think it's related to some sort of song (which came out after I used it) by a group I do not like, which sort of aggravates me, because that group does not define my musical taste at all. It's quite recognizable, or at least that's what I'd think. 

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I change a lot but my usernames are almost always based off songs and if one username changes on one site, they all do.

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I like usernames/ids that looks and sounds good, it depends of my current tastes or mood or smth, but I always feel unsatisfied with it.

(but I'm always feel proud when friends/'friends'/stalkers starts to copy it (style/numbers/etc. so i hope my imagination still works well to generate something good)


Also my main username Setsuna according to Angel Sanctuary main character and AFTER IMAGE track "se.tsu.na" (which i use from time to time), but in general it was chosen because of my old username Seth became a way too mainstream.

I like everything that sounds similiar to it.

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Usually I pick usernames like Alec Baldwinning or Kyokemon.  Diaurahea.  Things that are other things, but with a few extra letters become another thing.  Or by adding two things.  My username on here was actually the first time I've used God.  When I was a pre-teen, I was on a Pokemon forum and there was a guy on there with the UN of God.  I decided long ago that one day, I too would join a message board and snag the UN God.  When I signed up on MH, it just felt like time to become God.

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I made my own nick, because i seen in internet people with same nicks or smilar and this makes me create my own.


My nick is made of my second name Delmiro, When i was in high school and was kidding with words with my name and i liked of write "Delkmiroph" just put "K P H" 


So i start use in internet and seen that I'm unique that use... but i created others "delk, delmiroph, delkmirophy" that use too in some places internet!!



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I have been using Ito as a user name since middle school (so for...13-ish years now? Dear god...). It can from me wanting to have a "cool" alias to sign on my terrible middle school drawings, so I just started writing down names and seeing what sounded cool and was fun to write. The funny thing is that it wasn't even supposed to be "Japanese" lol. The name has stuck with me since and I use it pretty much every where online. It's not stuck too much outside of the internet though, but my mom some times jokingly calls me Ito. XD




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I've been using this username since 2005(?). Inspiration came from Flame of Recca and X TV. Two of my favorite animu way back during high school days.

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