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18 hours ago, suji said:

Really sucks to lose someone who I thought was a close friend, but then I realize, they weren't really my friend to begin with.

Facts. Keep showing love tho. If anyone cannot accept that, then they're clearly showing you the type of person they are.




Also, I see more self-proclaimed mothers on social media than I see self-proclaimed wives. This world is ass-backwards.

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On 11/10/2020 at 4:02 PM, suji said:

Really sucks to lose someone who I thought was a close friend, but then I realize, they weren't really my friend to begin with.

Literally my life. 

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People are so indoctrinated...


"Donald Trump is racist".


Perhaps, but Biden isn't? Kamala gets a pass too? Did we not already learn this lesson from Obama?


This whole damn establishment is racist. No one gives a fuck about black folk, especially ADOS. 


But ppl are so caught up in this illusion that voting actually solves anything, and they refuse to look at the actual fruit of this nation - which is rotten to the core.


ADOS have been exploited since we arrived here in chains, and the exploitation has yet to cease. The physical chains are gone, but the mental, emotional, spiritual, and socioeconomic chains on us are as strong as ever.


Now you got these stank-ass politicians exploiting us for our votes. But what tangibles are they actually delivering to ADOS? Will we ever get reparations? Our ppl are still being brutalizd and killed by police. Our ppl are still be incarcerated in record numbers. Our families are still destroyed, as Uncle Tom is the head of most black families these days. We don't own or control anything of significance here, yet these politicians and sell-out celebrities have sold us on the farcical idea of "progress".


"But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.


Who among you will give ear to this? who will hearken and hear for the time to come?"
Isaiah 42:22‭-‬23 KJV




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I keep thinking about the DiScOurSe touching on race or gender or importancé of the wokeness, and the overall suffocating dire identity politics clownery that is making me dumber with every social media puke gallon my half-dead brain soaks in,


and than someone crystallizes what I can't really express myself and the sentiment really looks like this:




Edited by nekkichi

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Seeing how careless people are in their relationships and just how careless and selfish ppl are encouraged by this culture to be....it's pretty disheartening. Ppl wanna have these ideal relationships, but they don't wanna put in the work. They'll cash in somebody for another, as soon as that person doesn't fulfill them in some way. Somebody said recently, "if you ain't willing to struggle with somebody, then you ain't never gonna have it", and that was some real-ass shit. Too many ppl are expecting perfection from others, but are unwilling to cope with the fact that they themselves are imperfect. The best thing I think you can ask for relationship-wise is simply somebody you can work with...somebody you can build with. Cuz contrary to what ppl want to believe, everybody on earth is fucked up in some way. Social media will have folks believing that there are ppl walking around here that are 100% perfect and "healed", which is the buzzword they like to use. Nah, errbody fucked up and struggling with something or some "things". Thus is life. But it's that very expectation of perfection that stifles true love. Folks will tell you they love you all day, but when shit gets rough...when shit gets difficult - that's the time to put that love into action. If you ain't never had to practice patience, understanding, or forgiveness with someone, how can you claim to love them?


That disney shit got ppl fucked up....love ain't an emotion. It's an action. It's a function. If your "love" is based on emotion, then you don't have a house built on a sturdy foundation, you have a sand castle that's gonna be blown away by the very next wind. Building something strong and beautiful, like the Cedars of Lebanon, takes time and patience...you gotta grow roots first.

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Half the time ppl don't know what the hell they be talkin bout. They just be repeating shit they heard elsewhere simply because it "feels" right to them. Then when you start asking them questions, you see their claim slowly unravel for the baseless bullshit that it is. Verify everything.

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mfw I've just stumbled on a yt account titled FUCK KPOP uploading vintage majela zeze diamond and the world somehow felt less desolate & hopeless 🔥 🔥 🔥

Edited by nekkichi

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