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So youre at work when someone who closely resembles your most beloved Ex appears, Youre not sure if its them because its been so long, but at the same time you dont want them to see you, At the same time you just want to be close to them one more time, but your heart stops. your body is refuses to move from you are standing and you feel like you cant breath.


Then she leaves with her friends and you mentally and emotionally collapse and slam your head against the wall for at least not walking over there and saying a simple 'hello' just to prove to yourself that you have the heart and the courage of a motherfucking lion and even If you fought depression for three years after your break up you've still here and that youre still strong.



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So youre at work when someone who closely resembles your most beloved Ex appears, Youre not sure if its them because its been so long, but at the same time you dont want them to see you, At the same time you just want to be close to them one more time, but your heart stops. your body is refuses to move from you are standing and you feel like you cant breath.


Then she leaves with her friends and you mentally and emotionally collapse and slam your head against the wall for at least not walking over there and saying a simple 'hello' just to prove to yourself that you have the heart and the courage of a motherfucking lion and even If you fought depression for three years after your break up you've still here and that youre still strong.



Or your ex could have walked in, saw you not giving two shits about her existence, and then promptly went for a session of tears, ice cream, and crippling self-doubt. I can't even think about what you would have done had you gone over there and said hi. Shit probably would have gotten awkward real fast and you probably would have thought "damn it I said/did something stupid I shouldn't have talked to her at all...now she definitely knows I'm not over her...etcetcetc".

If the break up was bad enough to throw you into legitimate depression, stay away from her. Even if she's a good person, someone that exerts that much control over your life by just walking into a room is someone you don't need to keep around in your life. You can thank your subconscious for holding you back later.

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Or your ex could have walked in, saw you not giving two shits about her existence, and then promptly went for a session of tears, ice cream, and crippling self-doubt. I can't even think about what you would have done had you gone over there and said hi. Shit probably would have gotten awkward real fast and you probably would have thought "damn it I said/did something stupid I shouldn't have talked to her at all...now she definitely knows I'm not over her...etcetcetc".

If the break up was bad enough to throw you into legitimate depression, stay away from her. Even if she's a good person, someone that exerts that much control over your life by just walking into a room is someone you don't need to keep around in your life. You can thank your subconscious for holding you back later.


Im over her - It was just in that instance like when you bump into a really good old school friend after 20 years, that "holy shit its you!!" moment. In a small way i regret not confirming if it was her or not. I wish i did try to sneak a little closer just to hear her voice and confirm it (she has quite a distinct accent) because to see her would put a little smile on my face that she's doing ok. She seemed quite happy while she was talking to her friends.


I still think about her every now and again but it doesnt bother me. She has her life to live and i have mine.

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When your underpaid employee holds his fucking throat with a face full of pain while and after speaking you don't foce him to make a longer telephone call, but hey, not my fucking boss.

I hate the thought of leaving my work the next week undone but fuck it with such a boss and an arrogant asshole-office manager who is completly incompetent yet bullying everyone else and is acting like she's the chosen one, going to see the doc is the best fucking idea.

Being ill, depressed and feeling weak because of being ill sucks when no one is around to hug you. =_="

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i hope Queen Key is alright

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Doctor Foster is a disgusting lil bitch!

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There comes a point where you're just sick and tired of excuses


"so i found out you were dating ------ guy. couldnt you of at least told me???"

"Yeah.... it was sudden"

"But you've had four days to tell me...?"

[No Reply]


--- I spent an entire day deciding if i was going to carry on chatting to this chick. If she was worth my time. I just decided that I dont care for the drama so im burning that motherfucking bridge. Its surprising to me as its coming from someone who has abandonment issues.....


We had a good talk. we talked all night for dayz. Part of me thinks she wanted to see if he turned out to be an asshole before coming back to me but I dont play them games.



Nothing of value was lost. I started with nothing and i still have no fucks to give.





Im always hesitant to burn a bridge. I always wonder if there are ways to rebuild or salvage things as I hate regrets. But some things just have to be done and move forward rather than be bound by the chains of regret.



Just a small update on this situation...... She got fucking Karma'd. They ended up breaking up after less than two weeks together and i have no idea why but she was so utterly obsessed with him the moment she saw him.

Love at first sight, but i guess he didnt feel the same way or was an asshole. I didnt know the guy she dropped me like a basket of dirty laundry for personally so i cant comment regarding him, but I'll be honest. Deep inside i was hoping he was a total jackass 


Yup, What a shame....what a shaaaaaaaaaaaaame. 


Lesson 101 - How not to date/pickup/treat guys you have an interest or possible interest in...


No doubt she'll try and contact me and giff me dem puppeh dawg eyes and love letters full of "im so sorries" and im just gonna be like....




Touch it....go on, touch it.....touch it...

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That moment when you find blood in your bed but there is literally no sign of where it came from. No wounds, no monthly drama, etc.


Maybe Kisaki's Blood.

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I was procrastinating on this assignment because I thought it would be really difficult but after reading over it closely it turned out to be fairly simple.

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The reason why they hate is because they so ugly Lycaon wouldn't even put their dicks in their face

Edited by blackdoll

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I am soon leaving my house headed for Dødens Dal and The Prodigy. Oh yeah, this is gonna be good. Shame I have to work tomorrow, but it'll be worth it for sure.

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Nothing like taking a 2 hour accounting exam at midnight ...... and having to be up at 8AM that same morning.

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I was at this English bookstore in Helsinki and I decided to take a look at the small pile of CD's they had collecting dust in this room full of boxes of shit that no one wants


And it turns out amongst those CD's were Penicillin's Missing Link, Luna Sea's Mother, La'cryme christi's Sculpture of Time and a Due Le Quartz single. I asked the owner whether he had any clues as to the origin of these, but apparently they had just been there when they bought the place. I forgot to ask if they had more laying around somewhere and I wish they had known who owned them because not one of those albums is fucking around. Weeaboos are extinct and this is subculture antiquariat archaeology. 

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Got so much work done today I was pretty surprised. Still sleeping late as usual but at least today I didn't mess around as much. This feels very fulfilling. 

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