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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

  2. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

  3. Trying 「Man With A Mission??starting with Purefly album.

  4. I came here to realize that I don't like this city. Awful feeling. Mostly because of the letter a got from my friend a day ago.

  5. The time for Christmas avas is upon us and I am more than excited for this and anything Xmas related. Missed Halloween opportunity somakes the most of this one early. xD

  6. Survivor Series 2014... epic... Welcome STING on WWE !!!

  7. Happy birthday Shiina Mio!??´⊇`??

  8. Nevermind of SuG is the perfection ♥

  9. fffffff mbhi A +

  10. fffffff mbhi A +

  11. ok ok i wanted to say I really, really like ao xD he's one of my fav pies ever so you shouldn't take it so close to heart, especially if you're too serious to see 'painful' jokes. /I'm careful with random person's feelings, wow./

  12. ok ok i wanted to say I really, really like ao xD he's one of my fav pies ever so you shouldn't take it so close to heart, especially if you're too serious to see 'painful' jokes. /I'm careful with random person's feelings, wow./

  13. Happy birthday to me (^w^) classmates presented me a lot of sweets, red wine and third Asuka figure ;___;

  14. Dunno if I'm late to the party, but if you guys wanna re-live the better years of MUCC, go listen to the new DEZERT album, lol. (well okay, I'm only halfway in but most of it has that "hurrhurr zetsubou dark kids emulating Korn with a bit of originality" vibe xD)

  15. First time hitting a deer with my car....god damn that was scary >.<

  16. Do you ever hate a song then you see a live/DVD/PV of that song and fall in love with it? Then be like why the fuck did I hate this before?

  17. Long time no see!

  18. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

  19. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

  20. DOG's Junjun wrote a post for me on his blog :Dhttp://ameblo.jp/dog-junjunjun/entry-11953062101.html Can't believe he actually remember me (he said i like them since a long time ago <3)


  22. Royz - Answer and 少年記 - BANG ME. I seriously cannot say which one is my favourite right. now.

  23. RoNo☆Cro is one of the best vk band, yeah they are pop and cute as fuck, so what?

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