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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. The best birthday. A lot of fun, rum with cola and nice people

  2. Math mock next week. Trying to think all positive but.. actually.. please just throw me off the nearest cliff instead. ;_;

  3. Trying to decide what's better, an overall solid album, or an album with a handful of awesome songs, but the rest are filler.

  4. if my new driver's license pic is ugly, im gonna kms

  5. Anyone listen to Czecho no Republic? Saw a vid with the guitarist and liked it, but not sure if I will like an actual album.

  6. Anyone listen to Czecho no Republic? Saw a vid with the guitarist and liked it, but not sure if I will like an actual album.

  7. Officially fucking hate two story houses and officially want to move the fuck out of here.

  8. ...and my laptop is broken when I must finish my thesis in just two weeks :/

  9. Don't read American comics but will DEFINITELY check out THOR written by CM PUNK. http://marvel.com/news/comics/23636/welcome_to_marvel_cm_punk_-_hope_you_survive_the_experience

  10. I can't wait to be back on here 24/7 again.

  11. Finally beat resident evil 2 :D

  12. i don't know why a lot of my friend here are talking about DADAROMA . maybe they willbe a little bit famous here just like MEJIBRAY

  13. I see UNiTE. as a Canzel 2.0

  14. Longest day ever. Concert tonight. I've never been so scared I may fall asleep during a concert before...

  15. Supernova by Royz.... I wonder which type I should pre-order?

  16. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

  17. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

  18. finally got my account to work on plug :D

  19. yesssssss i'm gonna get that new planetarium single!! i'm so happy!

  20. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  21. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  22. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

  23. Jupiter banner is the one that appears most for me. Am I doomed?

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