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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. BANG ME is hot and good, but there's something about ガゼル??ベル that makes it better than bang me...to me at least.

  2. I have a feeling that I waisted my money on buying a SuG CD.

  3. My PS4 is deleting games all by itself. Not cool.

  4. Can I just ingest water? Apparently my body doesn't like food anymore.

  5. yeah mother talk about something that happen months ago...way to ruined my good mood..

  6. yeah mother talk about something that happen months ago...way to ruined my good mood..

  7. Hard days ;-; trying survive D:

  8. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

  9. Me + Kyo + RE6 = One heck of a night.

  10. Me + Kyo + RE6 = One heck of a night.

  11. Me + Kyo + RE6 = One heck of a night.

  12. I'm dying hahaha.

    This is so true though XDD
  13. Horror movies. I love them <3

  14. Hmmm.. Yukimi seems to be doing good minus having to retire from drumming ^^

  15. PARADOXAL I GONNA FXXK YOU <33333333333

  16. had a really good dream last night :D

  17. had a really good dream last night :D

  18. Actually tried to do some college work recently but even having stayed away from the computer, I've still managed to distract myself with other electronics. Damn it.

  19. How much €€€ do people generally take to Japan when they go on a gig-tour/vacation? Say three weeks or something?

  20. "I wanna beat him up who has horseface."

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