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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. "I wanna beat him up who has horseface."

  2. I just want to sleep all day.

  3. VK fans on Last FM need to come together and find a way to tag these unicode bands like Chinese rock fans do with ??团. It's getting ridiculous.

  4. That feel when you are listening to music in bed but want to get up and do something, but dont want to put on clothes so you tuck your phone into your underwear.

  5. Upcoming calendar events, second from the bottom.

  6. Okay, I'm better.

  7. Okay, I'm better.

  8. I think i prefer transcodes than releases uploades only in FLAC ): Yeah, im lazy to convert, and also conversors usually change the japanese characters to "????" ):

  9. I genuinely think KILL THE KING could be a contender for VK song of the year. Aside from musically having great pace, a catchy chorus and an awesome solo, the lyrics challenge you not to conform to society but, in the spirit of visual kei, stand up and be different.

  10. Only one week until new DOG. My hormones are raging, but new 少年記 says it will take 1-4 days to arrive after release so I had to remove it from my order.

  11. Love ALSDEAD's new album. Excuse me while I play KILL THE KING on loop.

  12. living apart from parents isn't a reason to stop buying cds (._.)' but the lack of money kills.

  13. got yelled at and chewd out happens every time i do something guess im just the worst person ever

  14. X MSG tomorrow night! Two of my favorite bands in one week, I'm so lucky!

  15. Okay so today i have a date with a 30 y.o guy and im actually 20. I DONT KNOW HOW TO REACT, WHAT TO DOOOO. Someone help me pleaaaase D:

  16. Going to be in the same room as Yoshiki. Will phish for a record deal

  17. Just found out I have to take an 8 hour trip to Philadelphia tonight. Loading up some new music and packing my bags.

  18. I want to try the Teddyloid album, not sure if I want to buy it digitally, or get the cd.

  19. Waiting for DIV's new album announcement...

  20. omfg it's so cold. T___T

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