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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. I have too much shit.

  2. is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo?

  3. My husband surprised me with a new house, 3 times bigger than where we live now. OMG. I cried, still crying. Still in the middle of nowhere though xP

  4. Just got Terra Battle (by Mistwalker) on my phone, anybody playing it?

  5. Is there something special I need to do before sharing an iTunes purchase?

  6. Got an inch of snow so far -.-

  7. Got an inch of snow so far -.-

  8. Fuck North Carolina's legal system and all of its useless lawyers in it.

  9. Fuck North Carolina's legal system and all of its useless lawyers in it.

  10. I need to stop skating so much. I need new shoes and it's only been 1 month.

  11. Fuck North Carolina's legal system and all of its useless lawyers in it.

  12. Anyone do the manga survey CDJapan is doing? Interested to see what they are planning. 300 points wasn't too shabby either.

  13. Anyone do the manga survey CDJapan is doing? Interested to see what they are planning. 300 points wasn't too shabby either.

  14. Nooooooo. I can't find my VITA charger T____T

  15. Nooooooo. I can't find my VITA charger T____T

  16. Back in Washington and it feels weird. My interview is in Seattle tomorrow at 8am... Orz

  17. i like to watch the moon, so i think my flat is perfect for it - on 11th floor, I can see all around.

  18. La'Cryma Christi, one of the 'old-school' GOATS.

  19. La'Cryma Christi, one of the 'old-school' GOATS.

  20. It was a huge mistake to download a majority of the stuff I want to buy. I may not like digital copies but why buy something when you already have it. Ya know?

  21. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  22. i wanna fucking cry right now ._.

  23. 繰り返????????物事を覚??る????役??立??。Right?

  24. i wanna fucking cry right now ._.

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