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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Seeing ONE OK ROCK in April #excited

  2. I miss you MH. But I have too many things to look after atm. Take care everyone!

  3. Someone dropped a Zelda game for 3DS in my mail-slot today. Time for my return to Hyrule...

  4. BugLug really know what BugLug is.

  5. It is now February, and VK is about to KICK INTO OVERDRIVE. The Road to VKMania begins now... Let`s do this!

  6. why do i always suck at games..why can't i be good at something!! bleh

  7. Currently writting some poems

  8. i beat ninja gaiden!! \o/ that last boss was a bitch tho >.>;;

  9. fuck Sigma 2 im gonna play razor's edge <.< that game too hard for me

  10. fuck Sigma 2 im gonna play razor's edge <.< that game too hard for me

  11. fuck Sigma 2 im gonna play razor's edge <.< that game too hard for me

  12. Ahh the feeling when a CD you bought used arrives fullu wrapped and brend new <3 ~

  13. Time for the 2015 Royal Rumble. The fate of the world is decided tonight! #Cenation #RespectTheBeard

  14. Time for the 2015 Royal Rumble. The fate of the world is decided tonight! #Cenation #RespectTheBeard

  15. Time for the 2015 Royal Rumble. The fate of the world is decided tonight! #Cenation #RespectTheBeard

  16. What is a good method of selecting music to delete? My drives are starting to fill up to the absolute brim but I am stuck on finding a way to select what I no longer listen to.

  17. it's times like this when i wish i had a twin

  18. In terms of releases, the next 2 months are going to be awesome.

  19. cant believe that in the year 2015 internet data limits still exist

  20. I think i'm finally starting to like Codomodragon :D

  21. just saw Ruroni Kenshin movies, and they are awesome! Best live movie from manga who I have see !

  22. I think i'm finally starting to like Codomodragon :D

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