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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. whats with BBC doing 2 shows with redcoats and ex. Being human cast. Anyway it should have been Hal for poldark. Both are good though banished is way better so fucking juicy, like yesssss the whole time. Other news when did playstion become a tv thing. watching powers for the ratchetness.

  2. period decided it wanted to come what a great day ^___^

  3. my MW/V x3 has been shipped, yay! I hope it'll arrive home quickly.

  4. Really love the Promo for BugLug's new album featuring 「猿??。Really feels triumphant, as if to show us how far they made it, all while staying true to themselves. I think the album will be even better than 「G.A.G.?? btw.

  5. Time to Re-play Tomb Raider. Want new soon !

  6. Happy B-Day, pinkmakona!

  7. give me a SE give me a AYE give me a EM give me a EE give me a ARE give me a AYE give me a SPACE give me a OH give me a BE give me a ES give me a SE give me a YOU give me a ARE give me a AYE. go camera obscura, yay!

  8. Checked a bunch of stores for good in-ear headpone`s today... No luck. Might have to order online, tried some different brands but none had the sound I want.

  9. Quick, someone who watched THE THEATRICAL SHOW tell me in the next 10 min, was Nepenthes good?

  10. Camera obscura def, Camera obscura def Camera obscura def def def def def Camera obscura definition make them people go crazy, they want the pleasure so they listen to it daily.

  11. Checked a bunch of stores for good in-ear headpone`s today... No luck. Might have to order online, tried some different brands but none had the sound I want.

  12. Haven't ordered from VK shops or auction in like over a month D: My heart feels so cold ;0;

  13. fuck, i am so dpressed, i can't sing...

  14. That next level of Visual Kei that people would dare go

  15. Why has my EMS package been sitting in Japan for more than 15 days? -.-

  16. So many good releases this year already. Please 2015 keep this up!!!

  17. Broke another pair of heapdphones and put them in for warranty too many times. Using my Sony MDR-7506 but really want to get the Z5 now! Also want to start an Audio Technica collection one day.

  18. I got my phone back. All the rage has subsided. ^_^

  19. Surprised that Lin's not releasing a webshop-limited rerecording this time. Oh well, I'd love to see their comment video + live whenever I buy Memento Mori. :3

  20. RPD7 Ep. 2 leak omg <3

  21. RPD7 Ep. 2 leak omg <3

  22. 昨日本テレビ??「スッキリ??????見???????????????SHIGERU??んSuG??一緒????ん????白??????(笑)

  23. considering seeing kuroyuri with arlequin this saturday. but nokubura is also playing and i heard their fans are batshit insane so im not sure......

  24. SHIGERU in SuG is hilarious! Do not want to see him singing "Crazy Bunny Coaster" never hahaha~

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