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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Some thoughts on latest releases: New Codomo is really nice, more like Children`s Dope; Vistlip is really good, expresses emotion very well in a certain signature way, great lyrics too; new ALSDEAD is great, love the first track but the second track is so amazing, great guitar tone and delivery, overall amazing sound; new Blu-Billion is solid as always, love the disc design so much too; new UNiTE is great, they went back to the sound of the first two albums more, love it. Listening to BORN no...

  2. OMFG!!!! Vistlip's new album is damn good! <3

  3. OMFG!!!! Vistlip's new album is damn good! <3

  4. Some thoughts on latest releases: New Codomo is really nice, more like Children`s Dope; Vistlip is really good, expresses emotion very well in a certain signature way, great lyrics too; new ALSDEAD is great, love the first track but the second track is so amazing, great guitar tone and delivery, overall amazing sound; new Blu-Billion is solid as always, love the disc design so much too; new UNiTE is great, they went back to the sound of the first two albums more, love it. Listening to BORN no...

  5. I got so fuckn addicted on Wonder f∞l people that i couldnt even pay attention to the class.

  6. I got so fuckn addicted on Wonder f∞l people that i couldnt even pay attention to the class.

  7. Still selling some stuff~ Gonna add more stuff to it later when I decide which releases I can live without. poopceptionbutthole.tumblr.com/post/111513108271/selling-and-buying

  8. Konnichiwa minna-san !! Yoroshiku nee~^

  9. I want the new D's live DVD so badly (they've played KINGDOM in its entirely and I love this album so so much!!), but /expensive as fuck /they're kinda boring live /fuck this /do ya feel me? If only Cdj would make an % off in the future. xD

  10. do you ever remember how overly apologetic your 16 year old self was of their shitty music taste and want to die

  11. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  12. So my parcel from Japan, that arrived last Friday but was held in customs, that they said would arrive yesterday after I paid, is still not here... not impressed.

  13. All hail Queen kyoselflove! All hail Queen kyoselflove!

  14. UNiTE's new song "Wonder f∞l people" kinda remind me of ALiBi...........Can't wait to listen the full version.

  15. Wow, just 2 days until UNiTE. new single!!!!

  16. I guess kaz ex-VII-Sense is doing some solo stuff

  17. Wow, just 2 days until UNiTE. new single!!!!

  18. I played too much DADAROMA that last.fm got confused... http://www.last.fm/user/kyoselflove

  19. Today's Gokiburi show might have been the strangest ever...... He spent over 40 minutes talking about girls on 2ch, and "anti-fans" bitching about him. At one point he also encouraged us to leave the livehouse lol

  20. テキーラ??京 to release Kung-Fu Lady at 17th June. \o/

  21. Today's Gokiburi show might have been the strangest ever...... He spent over 40 minutes talking about girls on 2ch, and "anti-fans" bitching about him. At one point he also encouraged us to leave the livehouse lol

  22. テキーラ??京 to release Kung-Fu Lady at 17th June. \o/

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