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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Caught up on some backlog today. The Zaa Zaa and Minerva mini albums are both awesome.

  2. So right now fromjapan has their yen to usd conversion backwards (1jpy=119usd)... didn't really think Mirror, Mirror was gonna fetch 119K.

  3. So right now fromjapan has their yen to usd conversion backwards (1jpy=119usd)... didn't really think Mirror, Mirror was gonna fetch 119K.

  4. Great week for VK. Vistlip at number twelve on album charts, then singles charts have Codomo Dragon at 18, UNiTE at 16, and Blu-Billion at 11 (one place away from my prediction).

  5. I wish i could sing well lol

  6. fuck it im buying resident evil remake...*SIGH* how come im not like this with vk...(FML)

  7. Great week for VK. Vistlip at number twelve on album charts, then singles charts have Codomo Dragon at 18, UNiTE at 16, and Blu-Billion at 11 (one place away from my prediction).

  8. Just saw the new LOG PV on the BPR channel. Quite different from the label's usual offering but I will pick it up as Bandsaid always brings something fresh.

  9. Working on an EP where you write all the parts is taxing but i feel like its going to be so worth it. Just a lil longer, guys....

  10. Just saw the new LOG PV on the BPR channel. Quite different from the label's usual offering but I will pick it up as Bandsaid always brings something fresh.

  11. Just saw the new LOG PV on the BPR channel. Quite different from the label's usual offering but I will pick it up as Bandsaid always brings something fresh.

  12. What's better, Twitch or Ustream? (Might stream tonight).

  13. What's better, Twitch or Ustream? (Might stream tonight).

  14. What's better, Twitch or Ustream? (Might stream tonight).

  15. What's better, Twitch or Ustream? (Might stream tonight).

  16. Tonight is going to kick so much @ss, first the last RAW before WM, then 45 minutes later: BLOODBORNE!

  17. got an awful flat tire / can't even make it to the tire shop safely / have no idea how to put on the spare. #whatdo

  18. Today was a boring day, just like all my Sundays.

  19. Today was a boring day, just like all my Sundays.

  20. Currently writting shorts novels

  21. im baaaaaack bitcheeeees xoxo

  22. I just got into a new visual kei band... AND THEY ARE FUCKING AMAZING. Maybe you guys have heard of them. They are called UNiTE. :D

  23. I ordered lot of stuff from Japan... So many lycaon CD...like 1st press Eros, Mayaku, Rose, Akujo no hohoemi and Gossip...and chekis...Oh can't wait.. >^< And I pre-ordered the Gypsy too...now pocket is so emtpy ehh ^^" XD

  24. c-c-c-combo breaker

  25. c-c-c-combo breaker

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