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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years tonight. Gonna be a rough few weeks.

  2. Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years tonight. Gonna be a rough few weeks.

  3. Let us not forget that Royz is releasing their latest Bangya Buster next week, and TMR is coming back the week after that to remind them who still claps the most cheeks.

  4. SCREW is coming to my country when my favorite member just left...life sucks

  5. are there any other sistar stans here

  6. And I am ever reminded why I hate any of kind of relationship bullcrap or get into anything with anyone who likes me in general. celibacy inc!

  7. Re-watching all of Eureka Seven. Ten years later and I love the show even more. I see many things in new ways as well. Will watch AO as well. At first I didn't like that show, but then in the later episodes I started to see it a different way, and it was really amazing.

  8. how kyos' bad bitch party went down

    wooooooo that was hard, and the sadness is because the loss of are beloved.
  9. how kyos' bad bitch party went down

    wooooooo that was hard, and the sadness is because the loss of are beloved.
  10. how kyos' bad bitch party went down

    wooooooo that was hard, and the sadness is because the loss of are beloved.
  11. Extrême Rules was really extreme !

  12. Extrême Rules was really extreme !

  13. BORN new release, OMG I'm so happy <33333333

  14. BFN new single is great! I used to love them so im happy that they made me excited again!

  15. Are flowers really this expensive in the US? I am trying to find a delivery service in a city in Texas, but most bouquets I find are $50 and up. This is madness.

  16. i am so stupid.... :'(

  17. Delivery services have a sixth sense; they always realize exactly when you're in the bathroom and choose to arrive at that exact moment.

  18. This 10 page paper im working on, is coming along quite well....

  19. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread getting DAMN juicy! - Munches on popcorn-

  20. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread getting DAMN juicy! - Munches on popcorn-

  21. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread getting DAMN juicy! - Munches on popcorn-

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