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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. In reality there's only one thing you have to do to be great: Keep trying.

  2. In reality there's only one thing you have to do to be great: Keep trying.

  3. Interview Wednesday morning~

  4. Really gotta start doing more origami/kirigami creations like I used to. And string tricks. >w<

  5. Really gotta start doing more origami/kirigami creations like I used to. And string tricks. >w<

  6. Oh god I think I threw up a little.

  7. Rave is so underrated! They deserve a lot of love, its a brilliant band :(

  8. happy birthday to me

  9. Rave and me are in a Love-Hate relationship xD....

  10. thinking about getting lollipop chainsaw should i get it?

  11. So addicted to the new Mountain Dew KICKSTART drinks. Delicious taste and they give me the energy I need to continue rocking during ROYZ MONTH.

  12. even though its one song it's still Lycaon month

  13. Could any of you guys reupload Rave`s single 純情ビッ??? I lose all music from my phone and i cant find it nowhere :( Please!

  14. in here raining , how about there ?

  15. Went for live gig in Tokyo, A9 Hiroto sat three rows behind me o.O'

  16. 盈虧 is one of best mejibray songs. i'm so in love with this song atmosphere's

  17. New TMR album comes with a complimentary folder. Seems like all his release bonuses are giving out school and office supplies. How thoughtful.

  18. New TMR album comes with a complimentary folder. Seems like all his release bonuses are giving out school and office supplies. How thoughtful.

  19. New TMR album comes with a complimentary folder. Seems like all his release bonuses are giving out school and office supplies. How thoughtful.

  20. New TMR album comes with a complimentary folder. Seems like all his release bonuses are giving out school and office supplies. How thoughtful.

  21. Stephen Curry MVP of this season.

  22. Well, I LOVE it.

  23. Well, I LOVE it.

  24. Suddenly I crave for Two-Mix's music, but I don't know where to find? :|

  25. When you start doing sports after 4 years, damn :'D My legs hurts in just 1 day with a little jogging. xD

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