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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. -> hope some self-advertising is allowed; the 1st live-video I participated in; took care of 3 cameras there (main front, foh, left GoPro) inc. preparations... music-quality sucks pretty much but for a first ist's not that bad I guess. You have to start somewhere... More to come soon hoepfully (in better quality - learning by doing)! Feedback appreciated :)
  2. Met a guy locally... Literally all the same interests including VK and other obscure musical genres. But I'm recently single and haven't dated in a while. How do I not appear awkward and desperate?

  3. Met a guy locally... Literally all the same interests including VK and other obscure musical genres. But I'm recently single and haven't dated in a while. How do I not appear awkward and desperate?

  4. -> hope some self-advertising is allowed; the 1st live-video I participated in; took care of 3 cameras there (main front, foh, left GoPro) inc. preparations... music-quality sucks pretty much but for a first ist's not that bad I guess. You have to start somewhere... More to come soon hoepfully (in better quality - learning by doing)! Feedback appreciated :)
  5. Woaaaah, the Raid. Yuha is such a nice person!

  6. Woaaaah, the Raid. Yuha is such a nice person!

  7. Do you guys have any oshare kei band to recommend?

  8. Do you guys have any oshare kei band to recommend?

  9. Do you guys have any oshare kei band to recommend?

  10. My sister is marrying in less than two weeks and I am developing all sorts of physical issues. Why is this happening now?

  11. My sister is marrying in less than two weeks and I am developing all sorts of physical issues. Why is this happening now?

  12. listened to 11 albums today. currently working on 12, then i have number 13 after. new record.

  13. Got all As for spring semester! Huzzah!

  14. http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/35012-zero-one-complex/ Hey guys! Whoever was interested in the music I was creating can now get a taste of it! Click the link :3
  15. LiN looking his most aesthetic yet. Would be a cool look for the album, which is #1 contender for being able to steal my personal favorite album of the year spot. http://imgur.com/KDchtto

  16. LiN looking his most aesthetic yet. Would be a cool look for the album, which is #1 contender for being able to steal my personal favorite album of the year spot. http://imgur.com/KDchtto

  17. Im a little sad, because I dont have so much time to stay here... and I lost the releases and somthings. Maybe i had that stop for while time. :/

  18. Happy Birthday -timecapsule- !

  19. When super hardcore rain literally comes out of nowhere o__o.

  20. Happy birthday ando!

  21. Tequila Tokyo playing Kung-Fu Lady live: https://youtu.be/LC9OR1KQv-0

  22. In reality there's only one thing you have to do to be great: Keep trying.

  23. In reality there's only one thing you have to do to be great: Keep trying.

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