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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Kamijo: Too BRUTAL for Brazil tour 2015.

  2. Kamijo: Too BRUTAL for Brazil tour 2015.

  3. Kamijo: Too BRUTAL for Brazil tour 2015.

  4. lol, WAT ?!? Top notch quality PV tho :P

  5. So, I have a date tomorrow night with the VK/KPop fan! Wish me luck in my ability to pretend I'm not hopeless and awkward for 5 consecutive hours.

  6. Poor Kamijo, getting screwed over by B7Klan again.

  7. This week is being so awful, hope it get better :(

  8. my new obsession = anli pollicino ;3

  9. my new obsession = anli pollicino ;3

  10. i'm really getting to the point where reaching out to anyone seems to be too much drama

  11. just now listenin 2 Buck ticks Arui wa anarchy....so beautiful.

  12. i guess i have to buy all the UnRealistic cds now...

  13. Joined Flight Rising ;3

  14. -> Clip No.2 of my "let's help shoot a performance video"-project just got uploaded! :)
  15. Joined Flight Rising ;3

  16. This Triple Power Bomb led me to believe during some seconds to the remormation to the Shied at Payback !

  17. the Lotus last release was dissapointed, really different from the others releases.

  18. Gordon Ramsay to guest star on Hannibal s3, cryingofhappiness.gif (I just can't fucking wait for this new season to start ;-;).

  19. Why Kiryu is so good?

  20. RIP B.B. King ;;

  21. Will I receive my albums today hum?

  22. No matter what I do, I can't seem to glue down my eyebrows and hide them completely.

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