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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Today's Gokiburi show might have been the strangest ever...... He spent over 40 minutes talking about girls on 2ch, and "anti-fans" bitching about him. At one point he also encouraged us to leave the livehouse lol

  2. so it turns out oldschoolers that shock value is in American pop, source: https://youtu.be/drFPonh19TI?t=2m46s So much for your "we superior" attitude ahhahahaha.

  3. Since the Status Update was locked: Other people have different opinions, none of which are objective, and should be allowed to post them here without being insulted. Everyone`s opinion is nice no matter the brevity. I come here to see what people hopefully feel free to express. Thank you.

  4. Phew, Kra finally done with song selection for the next release. Tz has been writing songs forever so I look forward to some epic riffs, licks and solo's to go along with their new sound.

  5. My brain is confused about my feelings, what mental mess X))

  6. Phew, Kra finally done with song selection for the next release. Tz has been writing songs forever so I look forward to some epic riffs, licks and solo's to go along with their new sound.

  7. got dynasty's warriors 8...yay...30..dollars...why...;;

  8. got dynasty's warriors 8...yay...30..dollars...why...;;

  9. Can't wait for vistlip's new album ♥

  10. RarezHut finally has its very own facebook and tumblr pages! To celebrate this, we're holding a 10% off everything sale! Check out the thread for more details :3

  11. New CLOWD PV is pretty darn good. Been getting more into this band since a certain somebody recommended them to me.

  12. Can't wait for vistlip's new album ♥

  13. got dynasty's warriors 8...yay...30..dollars...why...;;

  14. got dynasty's warriors 8...yay...30..dollars...why...;;

  15. Damn customs, charging me £20 for just 3 CDs... and now I have to wait till Monday, because it costs an extra £12 to get it tomorrow, and fck that shit.

  16. Today Rave's bassist You invited me to drink with him. Maybe its the 5th bandmember that ask me to LOL Sometimes its nice to be a guy

  17. Arrived from dentist, I hate it.

  18. So this girl said she would sell me an extra the gazette hoodie for original price, but now she's not selling it to me anymore because she realized she could sell it for a higher price. T_T

  19. Mom continues too treat me like a child CAN YOU FUCKING STOP ALREADY

  20. Mom continues too treat me like a child CAN YOU FUCKING STOP ALREADY

  21. May is going to be so wicked. Mucc and Dir en Grey :D Can't waaait

  22. period decided it wanted to come what a great day ^___^

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