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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. So tempted to upgrade my order for SuG's new album to the limited edition box.

  2. So tempted to upgrade my order for SuG's new album to the limited edition box.

  3. Three chapters away from finishing Angel Sanctuary... I get sad whenever I get close to finishing a favorite series and get unmotivated to finish it T_T

  4. Too much Sriracha. Gonna die.

  5. So anyway. Hiiii

  6. Just find (and bought) some FANG single on itunes ^^

  7. This preview of DIV's new album makes us more anxious! ♥

  8. Cradle's ORE♂SUMMER is so fuckn addictive lol

  9. Cradle's ORE♂SUMMER is so fuckn addictive lol

  10. anyone else have on demand and know what the showwith the wings was? Also should i try vikings? I loved s1-3 of game of thrones. I defintly prefer the tudors and more recent reign. Other news Avelcain's ga came on and it was nice.

  11. Any ameba peeps tell me what this post says? Cba to make an account >> http://ameblo.jp/alsdead-nikky

  12. happy birthday kai_sama! For today, everybody worship your other green god mod! I couldn't keep this forum running without him :3

  13. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

  14. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

  15. I cannot wait for the DIV's new album ♥

  16. I just got redirected to a porn site too lol

  17. I just got redirected to a porn site too lol

  18. I cannot wait for the DIV's new album ♥

  19. started playing dead or alive again..since the game upgraded i have to do everything over @____@;;

  20. So~I totes came across this post that was passively agressive indirected at me without saying it was about me, but I totes know it's about me. All I can say to that is, get the fuck off your high horse bitch, just because someone uploads your favorite bandoman-samas CD, doesn't mean he isn't going to die of starvation and don't act like your ass don't download music either, would you kindly delete all the music you don't own then? That's what I thought, sit your as...

  21. I'm literally shaking because the preview for the new vistlip album is fucking amazing

  22. Wow, I can't believe this electro Taiwanese band has no listeners on last.fm at all. They sound awesome and like a poppish Crossfaith! http://youtu.be/VwGf73CHQj0

  23. Thinking of trying Chapter One of 「Life is Strange?? later tonight, hope it is enjoyable.

  24. Looking into getting another ESP Guitar. This time a Les paul.

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