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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  2. I wish I could forget everything about Breaking Bad and watch it all again.

  3. THIS IS THE MOMENT I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG. http://i62.tinypic.com/oannsz.jpg

  4. zess is horny. someone upload GANGSTA so i can hate-jizz pls thanks

  5. *something clever*

  6. this song is literally the best shit EVER
  7. aaaaaand i'm back! 4 days of boozing and gazillions of chemical plants are now over!

  8. Omg paradoxal and blackdoll, I hope you love the surprise I will be posting later xD Another rarity.

  9. leave a message here if you want a gangsta review

  10. Just booked my flights for Chicago and Helsinki this December. Woop woop.

  11. Anyone know how to calibrate a monitor so that the colors are "true"? I have a laptop running vista and idk what I'm doing.

  12. My download speed went from 1Mbps to 5 Mbps (WOOHOO!), my upload is still 0,58 Mbps. FML.

  13. Sister went to the hospital this morning to deliver babby. Shall henceforth be known as unclepanda.

  14. My worst fears just came true. A tiny spider crawling inside my headphones.

  15. Still trying to learn harsh vocals. I sound like a homeless ojiisan...

  16. There are too many comments I want to like, damn it! (Still passed quota)

  17. WHOA WHOA WHOA, Stop the presses! Epic new look, all white, new hair, and they top it all off with some Sombrero-Kei!? http://i.imgur.com/NpCe4ot.jpg

  18. still the best VK
  19. I want to be a reincarnated really hot person, how do you people post so damn much? lol

  20. the lycaon thread is a dangerous place

  21. Happy Birthday, Zess!

  22. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs.

  23. I'm seriously freaking out. 17 hours left. Then I'll see Lycaon. I feel like crying and laughing (mostly crying though) and I think I'm suffering from the worst pre-post-gig depression ever. Soon it will be over and they'll be gone. Boohoo :(

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