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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

  2. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

  3. Fuck it all, Fuck this world, Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't Belong, don't exist, don't give a shit! Don't ever judge me.

  4. happy birthday to me ;o;

  5. Got a free ticket for the first live of "DissIDear" lol.

  6. Got a free ticket for the first live of "DissIDear" lol.

  7. Got a free ticket for the first live of "DissIDear" lol.

  8. Got a free ticket for the first live of "DissIDear" lol.

  9. Missing SINCREA so much... ;_;

  10. What a glorious piece of lyrics! "What should I do? / Is this all in my mind? / Face down, he said / "This doesn't hurt" " Arlequin wtf...

  11. There's this one thing I've been wondering lately. It's okay if you don't want to tell in your M-H profile where you are from or are you M/F. But if your profile contains a link eg. to your Twitter or last.fm that states the said fact, why can't you just add it to your profile?

  12. OMFG Sochi Winter Olympics opening ceremony & trololol song XD

  13. I just update my Profile, come read more about me, thanks.

  14. I just update my Profile, come read more about me, thanks.

  15. I tried to find an error in my insane calculations for one hour. Now I found the error. I had multiplied instead of divided. Engineering 5/5, hope I'll graduate someday...

  16. I tried to find an error in my insane calculations for one hour. Now I found the error. I had multiplied instead of divided. Engineering 5/5, hope I'll graduate someday...

  17. I tried to find an error in my insane calculations for one hour. Now I found the error. I had multiplied instead of divided. Engineering 5/5, hope I'll graduate someday...

  18. I tried to find an error in my insane calculations for one hour. Now I found the error. I had multiplied instead of divided. Engineering 5/5, hope I'll graduate someday...

  19. So lately I've been searching for some new VK. Now I've found the epitome of what I've been searching for. I found them because I read they're going to disband. Fuck you CodeRebirth, fuck you very much.

  20. So lately I've been searching for some new VK. Now I've found the epitome of what I've been searching for. I found them because I read they're going to disband. Fuck you CodeRebirth, fuck you very much.

  21. brutalest vocalist ever from where ever? cant find him or her.

  22. can i just be in a band

  23. can i just be in a band

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