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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. Boohoo why Bakane hasn't been uploaded yet ;;__;;

  2. lol bye. also 10 likes on that post, you guys do not disappoint in the slightest.

  3. Aarrgghhh still five more days until Bakane is released. Pls could the time go faster or sth, this waiting is killing me

  4. I'm going to see Miyavi in a couple of hours and I have no idea what that guy has been up to after 2008. Why the hell did I spend 45€ to see a guy whose music I don't really like...

  5. I'm going to see Miyavi in a couple of hours and I have no idea what that guy has been up to after 2008. Why the hell did I spend 45€ to see a guy whose music I don't really like...

  6. I'm going to see Miyavi in a couple of hours and I have no idea what that guy has been up to after 2008. Why the hell did I spend 45€ to see a guy whose music I don't really like...

  7. I'm going to see Miyavi in a couple of hours and I have no idea what that guy has been up to after 2008. Why the hell did I spend 45€ to see a guy whose music I don't really like...

  8. After noticing Ray℃ was about to make a major/urgent announcement at their 3/8 live, I could hardly get anything done over the past week ;_; When the fateful night came...they announced they were going to release 2 singles *facepalm* YOU IDIOTS! :'D

  9. mind = blown
  10. I invite you all to listen to ViViD's new album. Haven't heard anything this good since Yume. The only letdown on this album was Hikari and that dubstep interlude. This album was their heaviest since their indies and I love it.

  11. these subtitles is exactly what's wrong with the visual kei fans lol

  12. Someone just told me I sound like Seth Rogen o__0

  13. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  14. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  15. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  16. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  17. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  18. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

  19. I'm seriously laughing so much that I'm almost crying. I really can't breathe. If I won't be online tomorrow, please remember that I died laughing.

  20. I'm seriously laughing so much that I'm almost crying. I really can't breathe. If I won't be online tomorrow, please remember that I died laughing.

  21. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

  22. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

  23. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

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