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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. today i did some waifu stuff, cleaning and shit, and now it's time for a cold beer. feels good.

  2. I SLEPT UNTIL 6 PM ಠ_ಠ

  3. Well that escalated quickly.

  4. Wow AvelCain vocalist uploaded a pic on his twitter of him cutting his wrist. Its deleted already, but wow...

  5. How Satoshi (Lycaon) & Hiro (NB) treat each other haha their tweets just made my day https://twitter.com/LycaonSatoshi/status/487972892605300736

  6. For some reason (b/c need to lurk moar) I had no idea what "tanuki" (not the big-balled racoon) was until now. I read some for 10~20 min. on fav bands. WTFLOL shit's dark yo.

  7. New RarezHut update coming this Friday! Get your wallets ready, because it's gonna be a big one :v

  8. 100 more... aka like 6 more months.

  9. 100 more... aka like 6 more months.

  10. 100 more... aka like 6 more months.

  11. Fuck i cant stop, damm Lycaon. Its all that new topic fault. Hopefully only 5 more songs.

  12. My son born 06.07 :)

  13. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  14. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  15. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  16. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  17. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

  18. Happy Birthday, allisapp! GO TO THE NEW WORLD


  20. afterwork 'till 1.30AM wasn't a really good idea afterall, at least when your shift starts at 8AM... ohmygodpleasekillme

  21. WHO'S EXCITED ABOUT ROYZ'S NEW ALBUM?? my copy was shipped _today_ and I can't wait to hear it!!

  22. RIP count up before a mod/admin posts thread

  23. 100, ooooh damn this feels gooooood

  24. Is it July 2nd yet? I really want to listen to CORE.

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