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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. SO tomorrow I'll be going on a sitsit with paradoxal, my first in like two years AND yesterday I got two teeth pulled out. I feel like an old person right now, how am I supposed to chew anything?

  2. Royz - Answer and 少年記 - BANG ME. I seriously cannot say which one is my favourite right. now.

  3. Happy Birthday Mi'ihen! (Almost didn't see cause so many birthdays today!)

  4. Listening to ニア・イコール <3

  5. I can't wait to be back on here 24/7 again.

  6. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

  7. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

  8. Wow.. The first v-kei group answered me via mail.. But the answer was so-so.. I asked if i can 500 yen single in digital way via paypal? The aswer was blalalala- go to like an edison and there adree.. Yes, of course.. From Moscow to Tokyo for 1 single)

  9. is there a way to make your online thing private?

  10. this topic needs some update, i wanna see more recent stats! mods, please! ;_; http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/4964-fun-forum-facts/

  11. i think im about to quit firefox and use chrome... :/ firefox is just being really mean today

  12. this topic needs some update, i wanna see more recent stats! mods, please! ;_; http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/4964-fun-forum-facts/

  13. My husband surprised me with a new house, 3 times bigger than where we live now. OMG. I cried, still crying. Still in the middle of nowhere though xP

  14. Who was I holding Cordyceps sinesis for again? I forgot :( Hit me up, brah

  15. Can someone make an inspirational selfie post? Like, take a selife with a beer! Yeah that seems fun.

  16. Just threw out a Nocturnal Bloodlust CD #fuckthepolice

  17. Snow melted and now it's snowing again.

  18. WHERE'S MY 致命傷!!!!1111 Airmail never again ;;___;;

  19. And now my phone is dying... October must be the month of technological death. Everything has been dying on me this month. It's really screwing shit up and getting in the way of school. :(

  20. FINALLY! Just heard back from the insurance company that pays for my job and my original hours are finally getting reinstated. It'll be nice to get paid again after like 2 months of nothing :'D

  21. I accidentally updated my pirated WIN7. I'm not a smart girl.

  22. I accidentally updated my pirated WIN7. I'm not a smart girl.

  23. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  24. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  25. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

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