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Status Replies posted by paradoxal

  1. first they keep my package 50 days and now I have to pay additional 7,50€ are they sick ?

  2. first they keep my package 50 days and now I have to pay additional 7,50€ are they sick ?

  3. Only one week until new DOG. My hormones are raging, but new 少年記 says it will take 1-4 days to arrive after release so I had to remove it from my order.

  4. hello my name is danny and i am getting into kagerou. in 2014.

  5. Someone at the X concert was vigorously explaining how telling anime fans that Hatsune Miku isn't a real person is on par with, or worse than, performing an indiscriminate shoot-out because that's how serious she is. He also wanted to see a hide vocaloid.

  6. I have a problem that's preventing me from doing anything useful. It's called BANG ME. I think I need help. (lol srsly I JUST NEED THE SINGLE ASAP)

  7. I have a problem that's preventing me from doing anything useful. It's called BANG ME. I think I need help. (lol srsly I JUST NEED THE SINGLE ASAP)

  8. the guy i went on a date w/ tonight told me he loved the lycaon pv i sent him (akujo no hohoemi). yuuki ha impact!!!!!

  9. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  10. College literally piling up more and more work every single lesson, and all I want to do is be on MH. D':

  11. Why did some random visual kei drummer follow me on twitter?

  12. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  13. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  14. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  15. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  16. argh i hate when i discover a used cd on a weekend. ofc it gets sold b efore fromjapan orders it for me -.- searched the last two years for this cd :<

  17. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  18. I haven't done anything else today but blasted the PV spots of BANG ME and Alive. Such awesome music *u*

  19. I haven't done anything else today but blasted the PV spots of BANG ME and Alive. Such awesome music *u*

  20. They should play HOWLING(Sadie) in da clubs yo

  21. wow why do some of u ppl have a signature as long as a novel

  22. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  23. THIS IS THE MOMENT I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG. http://i62.tinypic.com/oannsz.jpg

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