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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. Oh, this will be interesting. D:
  2. allisapp

    You can't see me getting any girlier/womanly: I'm the one on right. (Left one is my sister) Lightning was awful, so my sister's eyes looks weird. XD And lol, awkward hand is awkward.
  3. allisapp

    Never leaving my apartment again.
  4. allisapp

    Harhar *leaves the thread* ^__^
  5. allisapp

    Definitely planning to buy that!
  6. allisapp

    Mä oon ajatellut meneväni BLACKLINEen ihan vaan kiinnostuksen takia. D: Ja ikävöin jo keikkailua, koska viimeisin keikka oli Dir en grey Nosturilla. XD Se on onneksi perjantaina, joten nyt vaan pitää etsiä yöpaikka esim. koko viikonlopuksi. Yksi toinen juttukin pitäisi varmistua kuitenkin ensimmäisenä, joten katotaan mikä tulos on ennen kuin alan lupailemaan mitään. Vinkvink Yuugi eiku // Some words didn't work, but you did well, Panda ♥ Just try to think what you did wrong and it will be awesome. :'D (I can tell you that edellisenä --> edeltävänä, though. I hate Finnish, I really feel your pain. :/)
  7. allisapp

    jYYb788g1hU The best woman artist for me. In the world.
  8. allisapp

    Because every forum needs one. This thread is about beauty in general; fashion, looks (makeup, hair) or anything about... well, beauty. Do you need something to be recommended to you? Do you follow the latest fashion? Do you use a lot of money to products? Did you dye your hair today? Are you trying to find a perfect hairstyle for you? There's a few questions to get started. This thread is open to everyone; girls and guys, so don't feel afraid to ask or tell us something.
  9. allisapp

    My allisapp to look like granny -project started today. This is the first result after bleaching my hair: omg, I haven't been this girlish... ever before. ;___;
  10. allisapp

    Fuck this shit, I have only 20e to live for this month and I can't borrow any from my mom, because she's having some money problems as well. I seriously don't know how I will live for four weeks until I get money. Guess I have to go see dad and pray he will give me some money. And you know what, asking money from dad is the most awful thing in the world. I have two sisters and brother thinking like that. Last time I had to ask (two years ago) I was shaking all over for two days.
  11. allisapp

  12. allisapp

    whii \o/
  13. allisapp

    Oh my god. ;w; I haven't listened to Girugamesh for years because of their style, but now that I see they're more or less back to their roots. Yes pwease
  14. allisapp

    Ahaha, fuck my life. XDD My day is so awesome jus by hearing that this one girls doesn't want to come hang with us (she stalks my friend and leaves him letters about how sweet he is and wants to date him etc. in his mailbox) because she thinks __I__ am too scary and is afraid that I will most likely hate and bully her. Me? Scary? Bully? :DDDDDDdddddd AHAHAHAHA Now my friend is annoyed with me because I wasn't in school and she came to talk with him and left her phonenumber to him. And the most hilarious thing is that my guyfriend looks, talks and IS like homosexual and who's dating some other guy. And the second amusing thing is that the stalker and my guyfriend are neighbours, and she KNOWS that he's not only dating, but also living with his boyfriend.
  15. allisapp

    It would be sooooooooo amazing, but dunno. It probably won't happen. 8
  16. Aaa, awesome! I have to order it!
  17. allisapp

    Sweet. ^___^
  18. allisapp

    Oot suomalainen? O_o Biopanda on tulossa Suomeen joulukuussa, (= ainakin Nuclear cat tulee aivan varmasti mukaan jos pandakin ) että jos esimerkiksi jonkinlaista miittiä suunnitellaan, niin tehdään se mieluiten aaton jälkeen. Ja jos Pretsyllä on juuri silloin viikonloppuvapaa, niin silloin ehkä miittailemaan... ehkä? Mä varmaan saisin jostain paikasta yösijan, joten pystyisin tulemaan kanssa täältä kehä kolmosen ulkopuolelta.
  19. allisapp

  20. allisapp

    I can tell you guys that believe it or not, Panda doesn't have panda's head! DDD: My school started today and this is how I looked like! D8 I also put a bigger plug yesterday. ^__^
  21. allisapp

    ... It looks like I won't be with you guys for that long anymore. Let's see! ;wwwwww; Maybe!
  22. allisapp

    What? DALI! That's awful. ;w; Going to miss them and hopefully see them in other bands.
  23. allisapp

    ... I don't know what is the deal with Donald Duck?
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