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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    So many hot people! DDDD8 Newest picture:
  2. paaaaaydaaaay <3 welcome and byebye money <3

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      hard to win money... easy to loose it...

    2. Gaz


      ^ so deep...

    3. allisapp


      oops, used almost 300e

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  3. allisapp

    Have won these CDs (and one DVD) from Yahoo Auction yesterday and tomorrow: ONE OK ROCK - Yononaka Shredder (DVD) ONE OK ROCK - Zeitakubyou the studs - Ano oto the studs - Niji no iro the studs - gaze the studs - Spider Nest the studs - Creepy Crawly SpecialThanks - SEVEN LOVERS SpecialThanks - SEVEN SHOWERS SpecialThanks - SEVEN COLORS
  4. painting the ceiling right now. ugh my hand and neck

    1. allisapp


      being tall sucks because I can't be in a good position on ladder, because otherwise my head will hit the ceiling

  5. Damnit, idiot. *bitchslaps herself* After couple of months I ordered CDs again

  6. allisapp

    I finished it couple of days ago. I liked this season a lot, and in my opinion, this season was a lot better than the first one. I loved the past stories, especially Miss Rosa's. It was pretty cool how they found young actors who looked suprisingly lot like their older, present characters!
  7. I got into school!! I will be studying japanese language 83

    1. allisapp


      Thanks! ^___^ I have a few friends in upper classes, so I know a few weeaboos at least!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
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  8. allisapp

    Changed my account address from allisapp to pallisappinen!
  9. allisapp

    I don't think this should be in this thread, but don't really know where else to put it ahead. I have some really difficult decicion making ahead, lots of dilemmas. I have had a rented apartment in the city A since December and my mom's house (which is on sale right now) in place B. I didn't get any job from the city A, but I was really happy there, because all of my friends and family (besides mom) lives there. In the city B I got a job last month, but I have bad memories from the house (getting beaten there), I am really lonely there (because I don't know anyone from there. I basically went from work to the house and then back to work), I am depressed there and it doesn't feel like home - it feels like I am just a visitor and just waiting to leave the house. As I will probably get to study in the city B (or well, nearby city, but I will be getting my driver's licence soon, hopefully), living with my mom is the smartest thing for both of our sakes (emotionally and financially). And if I don't get to go to school, I would get to continue at the work place. So as I have an apartment in place A, I have to be in the place B now all the time, visiting the place A only once or twice per two weeks. I would probably move to the place B, but for the past ten years I have moved over 15 times, and I am so incredibly tired of moving. That was the reason why I got the apartment from the place A, so that I would have a home. BUT if I move to the place B, which is on sale, I would be (again) in danger of moving everything again. It could be tomorrow, next week, in two weeks or even two years. I hate to have everything on question marks, and I can't plan anything ahead. AND if I move from the place A before December, I need to pay almost 1000e for it because of the contract. I probably forgot to mention about lots of stuff, because this whole matter is so confusing even for me, but I just don't know what to do. Should I keep the place A, which feels like a home, I have friends and family there, but I don't have any kind of income (which is important) and other stuff, which makes living there impossible. Or should I pick place B, which doesn't feel like home, is emotionally difficult for me, I am in danger to moving again (can't plan anything, because I can't know when the house would be sold) but I have work there, steady income and living there makes mine and mom's financial problems a lot better. But yeah, if I get to the school, moving to the place B has to happen, but I am afraid how stable me and my future will be. Everytime I have to think about this, I get really depressed because there are so many levels of problems in this matter, and I can't have an option which would be perfect in any way. Life is so difficult... /end of the ranting, sorry // EDIT: oh, and it's that time of month when you hate everything about yourself
  10. allisapp

    Crossfaith would be really great to see! I have a pretty short list, as I don't live any nearby Helsinki, and the trains here costs a lot! I must admit that some of these are bands/artists I didn't like at all (An Cafe and Versailles), but went to the concert to just see some friends. 15-06-2007 - MUCC @ Provinssirock, Seinäjoki 18-03-2009 - An Cafe @ Pakkahuone, Tampere 22-09-2009 - Miyavi @ Pakkahuone, Tampere 06-10-2009 - MUCC @ Klubi, Tampere 29-06-2010 - Versailles @ Tavastia, Helsinki 17-01-2011 - MUCC @ Nosturi, Helsinki 23-08-2011 - Dir en grey @ Nosturi, Helsinki 26-10-2013 - ONE OK ROCK @ O2 Academy Islington, London 01-03-2014 - coldrain @ The Circus, Helsinki 11-06-2014 - girugamesh, Nosturi, Helsinki My most precious memory was MUCC in Provinssirock, Seinäjoki (my hometown). I was "only" 13 years old then, and had not been in any festivals or concerts before. And as MUCC was my favourite band, it was a nice experience. (Even if the normal festival drunks were awful) Besides MUCC, seeing coldrain and ONE OK ROCK was amazing. Would definitely want to see them again! Right now I want to go to sukekiyo's concert in September, but we will see. It will depend on my schechule and money, but if they are alright, just count me in!
  11. allisapp

    Was yesterday at their Finland's concert. I'd say it was a nice experience and a nice live band, but as I am not that much of a fan for their recent work, if I had not had time I would have skipped it.
  12. allisapp

    I have noticed that usually in Last.fm people have listed their concert experiences, so why not make a thread for lists (who doens't love lists!) here. Please list only concerts, where a japanese artist played. Want to share some specific memory from one of your concerts? What has been the best concert? Why? Any upcoming concerts you're going to go?
  13. allisapp

    Motion picture: lol @ my horrified face. I almost drove into a ditch! As you can see, I learnt to drive an ATV today. (And car a little bit. According to my sister, she counted me saying "omg, help, we are gonna die" and "help" 25 times each.)
  14. allisapp

    I'd like to think that there hasn't been any "worst mistakes" in my previous relationships at all. There is only one "mistake" I still can't get away with even after all these years; I had a BIG crush (seriously, ever since I met him when I was 7) on this one guy and if we're being honest, it still hasn't gotten anywhere after over ten years, even if I haven't seen him in over two years. The mistake is that I never did anything and probably still wouldn't. Of course there has been some mistakes in my previous relationships, but like I said, I don't think any of them is worth mentioning.
  15. allisapp

    ^ haha XDDDDDD That made my day!
  16. allisapp

    Thanks Mr. Panda. Luckily I was the fourth (and last kid) in my family, so taking photos of me was old news. Don't have much pictures of me hanging around the shelves~ I have actually couple of old school pictures which were pretty embarrassing, but I will never show them to anyone (not even mom has seen them...) So let's see, the first one was taken in -96, when I was almost two years old and was in hospital because of leukemia: The second and the third ones are from -97 (3 years old): Aaand the fourth one is where I am with my sister. I am the smaller version. The year was -00, and I was 6 years old. Won't show any other ones though, maybe later when I can scan these. The embarassing pictures are too rainy/bad quality and you can't see anything from it, sorry Mr. Panda. And now:
  17. allisapp

    I am lucky to say that I have never had it as bad as for some people. And to tell you the truth, it was never really "direct" bullying, but it still has affected me mentally lot. Only once, when I was 15, I was "bullied" directly. Some people would say that it had been physical, but I am not really sure? (we had some sort of race where each of us had to run around a line of people, and couple of the guys were throwing sands and rocks on me while I was the one running) My experiences pretty much only consists to sneering and other stuff, which were always about my looks. After years of that experience ended me up with full closet of unused clothes (some of which I am still too scared to use because of being scared of people looking at me) and friends having to drag me to school when I have had a new haircut, new glasses or pretty much anything else. I don't know, it's not much compared to some people, but I have always been pretty sensitive so over the years I am scared of how other people see me. Sorry, it might sound a bit stupid or weird, but it's not bad at least. Luckily people see me as a nice and smiley person, so people have said that kind of stuff only once or twice directly into my face. If that happened more often, I don't even want to know how I would be right now. I mean, the "physical bullying" experience shocked me a lot, so if I admit that I am really paranoid about this stuff, but I really can't help it... I think bullying form which hurts most is when your own family does it. (Only my dad who I see once in a year or two, so it's not that bad. It still hurts like shit though.) //gawd, sorry, this sounds really weird/childish/naive/or something..... ;_;
  18. allisapp

    Ooh, it's "rare" to find (old... and well, new as well) UVERworld's fans in MH! I must say that I really liked their ~05-08 era a lot, some of their songs are really important for me still. You mentioned DELUHI and ONE OK ROCK as well, nice! Did you go see OOR last year in their EU-tour? Anyways, welcome to the forum!
  19. Is there anyone else who can't edit their posts? O.o

    1. paradoxal


      I have always been able to edit my posts :D

    2. allisapp


      Me too, but for some reason I wasn't able to do that today at all.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      guess it is just like real life then...no take backs

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  20. allisapp

    My computer has been living on edge for couple of weeks now, so I went yesterday to buy Buffalo MiniStation Portable USB 3.0 Hard Drive. Now my music and TV-shows are safe! Have to live with only macaroni for a week though until I get more money... But my babies are safe at least!
  21. allisapp

    I really want to poke Pretsy's cheeks. ;___; Reminds me of chipmunk!
  22. Moms are the best ;___; It's almost 4AM, mom just came home (from a pub & she's a bit tipsy) and we're having some really deep conversations, and now she decided that we have to make pizza.

    1. Biopanda


      Drunk pizza truly is the best pizza.

    2. Jigsaw9


      so...how was the pizza? :3

    3. allisapp


      It could have been better. ;x I am quite picky about food (+ can't think anything "disgusting" or gory and so on without fee.ing like vomiting), so I had a hard time eating the pizza because it had spinach, and my imagination was running way too wild when I saw the green parts. :'D But mom like the pizza at least!

  23. I just experienced the most traumatic moment of 2014. Our couch's two spots can be turned into laying position, and to get it back into sitting position, you have to "kick it inside".

    1. allisapp


      I never get it "inside" well enough, because you have to use lots of strength to do it --> I kicked it in and got up from the couch --> the bottom suddenly went back to the sitting position HARD, and I flew over because it hit my legs XD

    2. paradoxal


      Those kind of sofas are the best, we had one too <3 But poor you, hope you didn't hurt yourself badly :<

  24. Does people here use LINE? D:

    1. paradoxal


      yup! my id is amadoxal

    2. allisapp


      Oh, I already had Pretsy. ;P Added para though!

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