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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    ... for some reason I KNEW the moment I saw your nick that you were Finnish. Welcome to MH! Hopefully you will have nice time. 83
  2. allisapp

    Aaa, are you serious?!? I can't wait!
  3. Hair is such a problematic thing. I really want to cut and dye it somehow, but I don't have any idea how...

    1. karin-adele


      I'm dyeing my hair back to black soon, my hairstyle alone is enough of a pain to manage lol

    2. allisapp


      Oh, yeah. I have been dyeing my hair for about 8 years now, and it's actually the first time for that long that I have my real colour. It's kinda dark blond/light brown mix. My hair has been blonde, red, black and other colours as well. And hair style range has been from "half-bald" to this long hair I have right now (down to my scapula)

    3. allisapp


      But thanks anyway! I just can't decide on the colour. 8< I have been thinking about getting same kind of hair style/colour like my wig. XD

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  4. allisapp

    Based on these options, I usually check the arms first. Plus I usually like arms and hands in general as well.
  5. allisapp

    Hnng, the name... But anyways, will hopefully buy these!
  6. allisapp

    I still think this is the best one ever: I still miss sai's best of chat from her Last.fm. 8<
  7. allisapp

    Ah, if they came to Finland, I'd definitely go to their concert...
  8. omg, I love CH <3333333 will not leave the site at all anymore!!1

    1. Rize


      CAT PARTY :D

    2. sai


      never enough cats for this forum tbqh

    3. Ito


      I've never felt so fuzzy before.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  9. allisapp

    Whaaaaaaat... O.O
  10. allisapp

    Yay, I have been feeling annoyed for a while ebcause there aren't cheap gyms (monthly pay) around my city and that I didn't have anyone to go with. Today I randomly came across some gym with a discount 29,90e/month! I also called my sister (who works out a lot. She's crazy about working out, she has a sixback already) about it and heard that she has been planning to get a membership from the gym for a while. So now I will also have someone to go with! :3333 I want to get fit like her too. 8< Slowly...
  11. allisapp

    I don't think I have shown my baby on this thread before? Twix is almost 2 years old, mixed breed. Other breed is pretty much European Shorthair, her father's breed is unknown. She and her mom, Napsu (my sister's cat) looks pretty much identical. But anyways, this is my sweetie: And this is her when she was about four months old~ :
  12. allisapp

    O__O I assume you use US Netflix? I use UK's Netflix, and don't have anime there at all.
  13. allisapp

    I was quite suprised when I realized that there isn't any general conversation about travelling at all, as I know lots of users on this site travel a lot. Because this site concentrates on Japan, I am pretty sure most of us want to visit the place. So let's start with that; have you visited Japan, or will you? Have you even been abroad and if you have, where have you been? Which country was your favourite? Which country you would recommend to other people; why? Travelling budgets? City trip vs. beach trip? Any backpackers? Also, I am quite interested about japan visitors travel budgets. How much did you use for flights, food per day, living and so on?
  14. allisapp

    What, there is anime on Netflix? D:
  15. allisapp

    girugamesh's concert in Kiev, Ukraine has been cancelled due to the current political situation in Kiev.
  16. allisapp

    These arrived just couple hours ago~ I must say I was reeeally suprised, because FJ shipped these on monday; usually it takes over a week to arrive! BIGMAMA - Haha ni okuru uta ムック - Suisou ムック - Gerbera (Limited Edition) And d.i.a's shirt.
  17. Woaaaah, first time in a while when a package hasn't got stuck into customs. WOAH PARTY

  18. allisapp

    One kittyafro coming up ~ I now think that you look better with a bit longer hair, CAT!
  19. I am not watching USA-Finland icehockey match at all, but I still know everything what's happening; my neighbours are not being quiet about it. No need to even open TV. :P

  20. allisapp

    Mine are usually music like SiM and Maximum the Hormone. Need to get the adrenaline to pump. ;PP For running I have a energetic Kpop playlist, because of the beat and tempo.
  21. allisapp

    Wow, haven't really listened their recent music at all, but it's awful to see another big name go on hiatus. :x (But then again, these news made me to listen their old stuff for the first time in over five years, or more. Maybe I will try to listen to their "new" stuff too.)
  22. allisapp

    Haven't visited this thread for a while! It's time to change that;
  23. allisapp

    I fucking hate money, bills and loans. *cries herself into sleep* Today starts the "money celibacy". After I have paid the FJ-shipping in few weeks, I won't buy anything from internet or any sweets and non-food. WHY THERE ISN'T ANYONE WHO WANTS TO OFFER ME A JOB. Fucking shit... /rant
  24. allisapp

    Valitettavasti oot väärässä. Sanotaanko että vain n. kolme ihmistä on ainakin julkisesti myöntänyt tietävänsä tämän paikan ja rekisteröityneen tänne.
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