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Everything posted by allisapp


  2. Right now... someone who's going to visit me in a bit over a week, my cat and the graduation which is coming closer and closer. I have a feeling that at least the near future (if everything goes well; you never know if I don't pass those finals) will be really great.
  3. allisapp

    ^_____________^ This will surely be awesome!
  4. I remember! My first ever bought CD was Anssi Kela - Nummela when it was released (2001), meaning that I was 7 years old then. :'D And I still listen to his music... hQ31mGfAl5c
  5. allisapp

    Shit... shit. ;wwwww; Rest in Peace, K
  6. allisapp

  7. allisapp

    I found something great yesterday! ghb6eDopW8I I really love their accent. I have played this almost non-stop for about two days.
  8. allisapp

    Here I am! Dyed my hair yesterday. And try to ignore the pixelated picture - I have to seriously move Photoshop from my old laptop to the new one. I had to resize the photo with Paint. :'(
  9. allisapp

    Wow, that's really unexpected! I am really sad to hear about Akito. ;'(
  10. allisapp

    Awesome! ;w;
  11. allisapp

    ^ Hmm, I'd say throw the anime, but read the manga. Even though I have been a huge fan of Rurouni Kenshin for years, I don't like the anime that much, but I love the OVAs which are about his past. Manga is really, really great though.
  12. allisapp

    Mä oon vapaa tulemaan Helsinkiin periaatteessa koska vaan helmikuun lopun ja huhtikuun puolivälin aikana. Toki käy muulloinkin, mutta sitten pitää järjestellä typerästi kyydit ja hoitajan katille, eikä mua pahemmin innosta se. ;s
  13. allisapp

    Ooh, I really can't wait for this!
  14. allisapp

  15. allisapp

    Recently I've started to look like this: I've been following cats too much, which is why my mouth is like that. MEOW
  16. allisapp

    ^ oh............... OH. That was great! I've never cosplayed before (even if I have wanted to cosplay Tatsurou from MUCC's Libra's PV), so it would be great first cosplay. D: // I've just had a lot of problems with cosplaying because of my looks aka nose. I find it always disturbing if I see someone cosplaying something and their face don't "fit in" with the character.
  17. allisapp

    Criminal Minds season 6 House M.D season 4 MUCC -Houyoku aaaand Coca-cola, chips and gingerbread dough...
  18. allisapp

    Screw you, Panda and WB. =((((((((( You better remember me somehow when you get back, otherwise I will be sooo mad at you! =(
  19. allisapp

    Because I'm so sekushi. (I look like my dad and brother............. :<)
  20. allisapp

  21. allisapp

    Hmm, I must admit that I'm a little bit curious. Will think about going to Helsinki's gig!
  22. allisapp

    Awesome, definitely looking up to it!
  23. allisapp

    Happy birthday, Champ!
  24. allisapp

    ♥ Welcome back cutie. ;__;
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