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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Trying to survive with this little monster aka my sister's son!
  2. allisapp

    For the last six months I've been told countless times about how I look like this Skrillex-dude. Well, I had to try this, because the lovely Cupcakes told me I do not look like him. But because I'm determined to find out if I look too much like him (I might cut my hair soon, probably not lot) I played with pins and taddah~ I'm not sure if I look like him or not. :DD Anyways, proof about me tired, reeeally pale and me gotten skinnier. (Not in the healty way. After 'cakes pointed this out, I noticed this too. Most likely the reason of me being sick for almost two weeks) [/bible]
  3. allisapp

    Why don't you try couchsurfing? Doesn't cost anything, it would be a great chance to meet new people and also see more places than these usual tourist traps, especially if they're local. //Oh, and of course, have fun and be safe then.
  4. allisapp

    ^ 50,000 words, but usually many people I know write only one story.
  5. allisapp

    Yep! And more girlish. Anyway, this is mine:
  6. allisapp

    In a way I will. I try to finish all my stories and... well, see if I have written 50,000 words. The main thing is just to finish stories.
  7. allisapp

    kittycat, some of them are. Like in every series, there are some gems and... not-gems. But for One Piece-likers seeing the movies is definitely must.
  8. allisapp

    I h.a.t.e periods. FUCK, it hurts. ;__; I don't have any painkillers and I have to go back to work soon. I'm going maaaad!
  9. allisapp

    So right. Looking forward to it!
  10. University of Technology? My major is media-assistent. Only one more year to go after this year. I've been thinking for almost a year that I'd like to try to get in some university in UK. Journalism may be my major then. I won't probably get in if my studenexamen will... well, suck. If I won't pass the exams, I honestly don't know what I will do then. But this is for sure: I won't be in Finland. (hopefully :/)
  11. allisapp

    We don't celebrate it in Finland, either. ... or I don't think so! XD Maybe some kids dress up, but I don't know anyone who has gone to trick or treat -"walk". I went when I was nine years old, but only because my friend and her sister's dad loved Halloween-movies,and wanted them to dress up. (And I was at their house about 24/7, including on my birthdays and christamas, so I shouldn't blame their dad. My fault being there ) Though I remember not liking it, because somebody chose "trick", and we hasn't thought of anything, so we just simply clicked lights off at this somebody's house.
  12. allisapp

    One Piece episode 273 I'm sooooo excited. I've been into One piece for few years now, but I didn't read/watch anything for about a year. Now I've rewatched earlier episodes. Sadly I "accidentally" read some spoilers and..................... I HAVE TO WATCH EVERY EPISODE QUICKLY.
  13. allisapp

    ... Black=Right, you're absolutely right! Why I didn't see this before?! Rocky ♥
  14. allisapp

    If you're going to campus, I feel your pain. (Or used to, now I rent my own place and I don't need to be at campus never again!) Anyways, have fun, swedu!
  15. allisapp

    At least Tatsurou (and his hair) looks nice! // lol, now that I've stared the photo for a while, they obviously have some kind of Story of kingdom -theme. Tatsurou is a princess, Yukke is a (ridiculous) prince, Staochi is a frog and Miya... something, don't know what yet. :I
  16. allisapp

    FUZZ? Cool! The title sounds pretty... meh, but we will se how this single will turn out.
  17. allisapp

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt tuitui ♥ Such a cutie. I'm having right now JGL's marathon!
  18. allisapp

    I'm not sure if I should be embrasshed, but I loathe Monopoly! :x I don't know why, but it's one of the most annoying games I know. I mean, I've played it at least ten times, and I've won everytime, so I shouldn't have any readon to hate it(? :''D), but I still do. Instead of it, I love Ubongo and Scrabble. But that's it. I love playing board games, but I still haven't found a game, which is my favourite. If jigsaw were a board game, it would be the only game I play.
  19. allisapp

  20. allisapp

    My hair is starting to get too long. I don't know what I should do about it - should I cut it or grow it?
  21. allisapp

    I'm so jealous. Though, I will go watch his interview at Tracon on saturday!
  22. allisapp

    I'm really suprised! Looks like I've gotten skinnier, as now I fit in boxers (... ) which are sized as S. (=small) And into trousers, which SHOULD'T really have fitted on me. And I don't have phone anymore, because it got into washing machine. me + daydreaming = disaster
  23. allisapp

    I find it sad, that after the 1st generation of Ella ja Aleksi, as they got older, there was 'hired' more Ella and Aleksi girls and boys. So sad. :< It's also kinda... pathetic, how I still haven't gotten over MC Koppakuoriainen -song. Why? My classmates listen to it on class. ((
  24. allisapp

    LOL, yeah! But the moshpit-moment was really awesome and it caused me to think how nice it would have been to be there. (+ I'm always too scared to join moshpits.) And damn, it would've been better if I wasn't so behind of hall)
  25. allisapp

    Ooh, interesting D:
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