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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    ... wow, those are great! D: (Yhyy, why I can't make clothes 3)
  2. allisapp

    Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who likes fillers too!
  3. allisapp

    Haha, The Big Bang Theory is awesome!
  4. allisapp

    Started to watch One Piece last week again.
  5. allisapp

    Yay, now we have a thread for users who have glasses too. (... well, or not) How long time you've had your glasses/bad eyesight? Or do you only use glasses for reading? Or not at all, because you don't need them/you think they're ugly? Do you have a contact lenses? I realized that my eyesight had gotten bad about six years ago. Got my glasses soon, but they still get more bad because I read everything closely. I've heard many times that I should get a reading glasses, but I think these are enough. It would be annoying to change from reading glasses to normal glasses all the time. Now I'm going to get a contact lenses on next wednesday, which I'm really waiting. (I always have to be really careful on gigs, because my glasses are really loose which makes them fall easily.
  6. allisapp

    This. Also, looks like I have to remember when I come to my friend's place that she's freaking teenager! Bad and childish one. Jeez, I know I will get mad soon. And her "points" just were rumored when I saw how she is towards her parents. I love her parents, which is the reason I feel sorry for them. Oh well, home tomorrow!
  7. allisapp

    Yep, you would be right. I've been asked so, so, so many times if I were a lesbian or even bi. >: Oh well, congratulations again! Oh the times, when I remember you were whining about not having a girlfriend over a year ago. The kids grows up so fast... And yeah, single here still. ♥
  8. allisapp

    ... Wait, you aren't? D8
  9. allisapp

    OMG, my little Blumbsu has grown up?!? D: Congrats. :DD
  10. allisapp

    Oh, hello Cani! I'm sure you know me. Well, have fun here!
  11. allisapp

    Can't say that I'm a fan, but I absolutely adore their visualwork. Seriously. (I saw them at Provinssirock too, like Neon did)
  12. allisapp

    Straight here. Say me narrowminded or something, but I don't believe that I could have a true relationship with a girl.
  13. allisapp

    Oh god, yes! @ww@
  14. allisapp

    ^ And I hate you. :< Do I seem like a liar, if I say that I've liked all of his earlier releases? Well, his solo stuff - I still don't like Seo Taiji & Boys releases though, but in general I've liked all of his solos.
  15. allisapp

    OH *wipes away the drool forming on her chin* ♥ I have a feeling that this album will rock my socks off. \o/
  16. allisapp

    Oh, POTF is amazing. @_@
  17. Oh my god, I would have loved to be there. ;_________; (mm... Daikirai)
  18. allisapp

    Damn, I really love them. I hope they will start doing gigs again.
  19. allisapp

    ^ Today and tomorrow they will sell their charity song CD (Akatsuki) at their conserts, so I don't think they will release it at all. But anyway, waiting ♥
  20. allisapp

    DD: Huh, if there's tickets left for Stockholm's gig on July (Well, I don't think so ;/), I might go there. D8 It would be really cool, even if I haven't listened Gackt for a year or two. // OHO, I just realized that the Stockholm's gig is at the place, where my stepdad is now working. :DDD
  21. allisapp

    Well, yeah. You're pretty much right, but I don't like how they don't move much when they're doing that dance.
  22. allisapp

    Jonjon, yeah, you were right. ;__; Today was the first time I listened it (haven't had that much of time to listen anything) and now after I've listened it more than ten times, I have to say it sounds awesome. But I still don't like the musicvideo. ;< Even if the pinguin dance is cute, it makes me feel kinda... annoyed, dunno why. O.o
  23. allisapp

    Everyone is now judging you. Damn, and I hoped that everyone likes me now because I like BEAST. ;< Well, it was worth of shot.
  24. allisapp

    Am I the only one who doesn't like the music video and its song? :<<
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