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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    ... Nah, let's just continue dreaming.
  2. allisapp

    Just did my psychology test. (4 pages of writing. My writing hand is cramping! ;__ Today I'll... try to read tomorrow's math test, and maybe to my english wordtest too (it's at wednesday) Examweek ♥♥♥
  3. allisapp

  4. allisapp

    That would actually be awesome.
  5. allisapp

    [2] But yeah... Good luck with that. XD
  6. allisapp

    Have you been drinking? But welcome, even if you've been here almost a month.
  7. allisapp

    Found an old friend. :PPPP
  8. OH GOD, I still remember the "dance" of Asereje! Damn, now I have to listen this again. ;__; Also, Scatman always, always, ALWAYS gets stuck in my head. ALWAYS.
  9. allisapp

    Paleface - Helsinki - Shangri-La I believe this is the first this kind of song I like. D:
  10. And I was just talking in facebook, how I love the nostalgia-feeling when I hear this. XD 3 MAIJA HII, MAIJA HUU, MAIJA HOO, MAIJA HAHA, or how it goes...
  11. I'm not sure what you mean, but no. There's a singing contest called Idols (There's one in USA too - I think there's a lot of versions out here) He "only" became third, like scoozie said, but is the most popular. Sadly, there's a lot of people who don't like him because he's homosexual. I think that was the only Idols I've liked here (where he was), there was amazing guy in this year's Idols, but he left from there. (Good for him, as Idols always ruins every singer's image, only Antti Tuisku has done well with it. (Ok, there's Anna Abreu too, but..... she sucks)
  12. allisapp

    Is really good when she's using Photoshop.
  13. But... I still like Antti Tuisku. :'( Even if people say he sucks. :PPP
  14. allisapp

    Ah, all of you have cute pets! ;__; Personally I've always loved cats, and I guess a few of you know that, as I've kinda... talked about it a lot, lol.
  15. Yeah, I know it's childrens cd, but I remember when I listened it when I really little. (Like my older sisters did and so on) It's so nostalgic, but I must admit it's the first thing I hide when someone is browsing my cd's. :PP And the thing is, I bought it last year. :DDD t3q6yAjCgrE (I'm ruining my image now. ... Even if it's pretty much ruined already. )
  16. allisapp

    Iron deficiency, bread and mämmi. I should propably go buy some new clothes and shoes. (My shoes are kinda... broken. My whole hand goes through shoes' heel. Kinda bad to use here, as it's all the time wet now. :DD Also new socks would be amazing, as they get wet every fucking time I go outside)
  17. allisapp

    Haha! Blumble showed me this not too long ago. It's looks exactly like blood puding. Hah, if it is, then it's really good blood pudding. :DDDD
  18. allisapp

    Right now I'm eating: Mämmi Omnomnom
  19. allisapp

    Final Fantasy X-2 And on computer, Thief: The Dark Project
  20. allisapp

    Drunken Master Before that, I watched Silent Hill for about 20-30min, but I got scared and couldn't watch it anymore. :DD (I get scared reeeally easily) Maybe when I can watch it with someone else... who doesn't try to scare me off, like everyone else I know does...
  21. allisapp

    Haven't been around that much anymore. D:
  22. allisapp

    Oh, I know how you feel. I have the new Firefox at school, and daaamn, I get annoyed with it really easily because of the new windows. I'm sure I'll be fat soon. Kotipizza (Pizzaplaze) is in 30m of distance, and I can see it from my room's windows. Yesterday I thought that why the hell not, it's not like I eat pizza that much (pickypicky), and this monrning I woke up with my stepdad's yelling, "Maria, it's half twelve and we got you some pizza for the breakfest. ♥" And I have to say this; my 1,5 weeks will be really boring soon. Well, at least I have enough time to format my computer... and play those games and watch movies... and sleep.
  23. allisapp

    Yeah, need to format my computer, this is so fucked up. At least I have my PC, where I can put my important files by memory stick.
  24. allisapp

    Alien 3
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