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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Yep, it's real.
  2. allisapp

    YEAH, it's not like I could see your photo from anywhere, right? RIGHT?
  3. allisapp

    ;S Yeah, sucks to be me. Anyway, even if this is too early to say, but people can come to say hello to me. (Even though I know... one or two persons from here who I'm going to disturb there, even if I'm sure they don't want it. *insert trollface here*)
  4. allisapp

    actually it's D'ERLANGER cover LOL, I knew that I did something wrong - I checked the sentence for a minute, but couldn't think of anything what went wrong. XD Thanks for pointing it out!
  5. allisapp

    Uhh MH meeting ?- how many forum people are gonna gather around then? I guess i should go all sneaky (aka angsty groupless/small group) - I am too embarassed of my jailbait look Hmm, I think... 5-7? D; Maybe more. We'll see. I think I'll go with my friends, but let's see later if I would like to come to meeting. I'm not also sure what should I do after the gig - will I go to Omenahotelli too, or will I be the whole night in the city.
  6. allisapp

    I love The Piass' cover of Hanoi Rocks' Dead by Christmas and MUCC's cover to D'ERLANGER's La vie en Rose.
  7. allisapp

    Well, it depends on hotel. (There's three Omenahotels in Helsinki) This is in ~1km of distance, this is in ~500m of distance and this in in ~1km of distance, I think. (HOX! You can read those pages in swedish too, just change the language ) Also, in Finland the tickets can be bought at 14.4 at 9AM, so if I were you, I would try to get the ticket as soon as possible, because I can imagine that they're going to be sold out very soon.
  8. allisapp

    And about cheap hotels, you should book a room from Omenahotelli. I would say they're the most cheapest hotels in Finland.
  9. allisapp

    I am also considering attending in finland since there's no swedish date Do you know how much it costs to travel to findland? lol Hmmmm I heard that Gotlandsflyg has quite cheap-ish flights from Visby to Helsinki /unnecessary But if you are gonna order flights thru Flysas for example, then it will cost about 2200 SEK from Stockholm to Helsinki Also, I guess there's ships which go to Helsinki or Turku from different places in Sweden? Of course, travelling to some different country is expensive, but I'm not sure which would be the cheapest way. Or if you know some friends there who want to go too, and someone has a car (and can drive it), you could split the gas and drive here. :''''D (And use ferry D:) But that could be expensive yeah, but if you have a lot of friends who want to go there too, it'll get even more cheaper.
  10. allisapp

    Ooh, just read about it... three minutes ago. I think I'll go to Helsinki, let's see if the the tickets are sold when I'm thinking about buying a ticket
  11. allisapp

    Mission swedish test: totally failed At least I have two more tries to do it again... And then I'm going to my granny's place, where I can hear again how awful I am. (y)
  12. allisapp

    ... Damn, those sounds nice. DDDDD: I guess I have to listen more songs this weekend!
  13. allisapp

    lol, it was the same for me about 1-2 months ago, but now that I have a roommate, my conscience starts always knocking if I wake up earlier (before 7AM) and wake up my roommate with that. Now I've started to go to shower in the evening. D: And because I roll around a lot while I'm sleeping, I have to use my hair straightener a lot.
  14. allisapp

    Haha, thanks Chianti and Uglymouth! I like the photo from the right side too, but I'm too lazy to do anything to my hair in the mornings, so I usually go with a hat and straight hair to school.
  15. allisapp

    ... WHO'S THE BOSS?!?!? I passed the math's test and course, which means that I can stop taking high school's math and change to business school's one, which is a lot easier. Fuck yeah!
  16. Now that people can rant about their CD's they regret of buying here, I think people should also tell us about the things (asian and western) which they've bought and are satisfield of them. Have you bought something which took a long time to save some money and you don't regret it? Or are you pleased when you finally found you favourite artist's rare CD from ebay after some weeks of searching? Are you just happy that you bought some DVD after a while of thinking; "should I or not?"? Mine is MUCC's Live Chronicle III. As I'm poor student, who only has some money to food, it took me 6 months to get the money. I was in some newspaper company and I was the "postman" there. Had to cyckle two days/week for about 8 hours and when it was winter, it took more hours than that and also it was freaking cold. (sometimes over -30 celcius) I wouldn't do that job never again, but I'm proud of myself that I did something to earn money to buy it.
  17. allisapp

    Heeey, I told you to not to buy it at their gig, but you weren't listening me.
  18. allisapp

    Summer is coming! ;___; I'm feeling so happy, that after I've download Linkin Park's whole discography, I'll put some songs to my MP3, and go for a walk. It's so sunny and warm out there! And then while I'm walking, I'm going to listen this: 5qF_qbaWt3Q
  19. allisapp

    Ah, I had almost one last year at Provinssirock, when I was in second row at Rammstein's gig. Suddenly some ~2m of tall, heavy guy like... jumped on me and tried to not to fall over. (which was impossible) And as I'm 170cm tall, stood there without moving for over 10 hours, it was pretty... horrible experience to my legs. (Imagine, someone who is half of your weigh suddenly jumps on you, it's not that funny.) Then I have also a few of smoke's marks on my arm, because some girl suddenly... letäs say rubbed her tobacco's to me. (Well, she was pretty drunk so it's been forgiven. And of course there was moshpit. At Atreyu's gig I suddenly got next to it (I was trying to not get in it) and some big guy hit me accindetally when he made some ninjamove with his hand.
  20. Uh... It could be cool, if I liked them. :DDDD My friend took me there because she thought I would like them. "You listen that kind of music!" "Oh really?" ... I didn't know there's martial art training. D: Too bad I live at Kauhajoki from monday to friday because of school. [/off] Also mine: Even if I still love a few of songs of his
  21. Heeeey, I was at their gig when that album was out! So you lived in Vaasa? (If so, greetings from Laihia If not... nah.) (I'm seriously owning this thread. bwahhahhaa, but like I've said, nostalgia ♥) // and all of things I remember about their gig, was how the singer looked absolutely ridiculous with him flipping his hair
  22. About this, guess who heard this numanuma-song today at school's radio. :DD It was kinda funny how everyone regonized/remembered it. The rest of the school day went with people singing its chorus. Actually, when it was playing, a lot of people were singing with it. :DDD
  23. allisapp

    Haha, I had to take these yesterday: As you can see, there's... a proof that I'm a girl. WHII. (This is my girliest... costume since my last birthday. *coughs*) The first photo is me in the morning and the second was before I left the house. I kinda miss my "previous" hair. ;__; // Also, I don't like that this is the first post in this page. ;____;
  24. allisapp

    I prefer Stockholm gig over Gothenburg's, because then I could go by a boat to Umeå from Vaasa, and from there to Stockholm by train or something. :DDD
  25. allisapp

    Spoiler alert: They're skipping Fenno-Skandinavia Yeah, I've already read that spoiler. :x
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