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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    OH MY GOD! DDDDDDDDDD: Definitely watching this! I think Rurouni Kenshin is my favourite manga of all time. Damn, now I'm really excited.
  2. allisapp

    Psychology class today - business school starts officially tomorrow. OH SWEET [/sarcasm] Goodbye summer, goodbye holiday
  3. allisapp

    Hair dye, new school bag, psychology's third coursebook, contact lenses and a fan for my laptop.
  4. allisapp

    ... Ain't afraid to die... ... Shokubeni... D8
  5. allisapp

  6. allisapp

    Damn, those looks nice. I hope I have some spending money at Finland's gig!
  7. allisapp

    You know, Pretsy, I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about. The reason why I look so "old" is genetic, so... and you can't never know if someone else think you look older than you really are. Maybe you're the only one who thinks like that!
  8. allisapp

    "even" allisapp?
  9. allisapp

    Whatever, I don't even care anymore... Stepdad was supposed to go yesterday to Stockholm travelling by a ship. And what we saw (with mom) when we went to her room? My stepdad sleeping and smelling like a booze. Without ANYTHING he went with to Stockholm. His bag (= there was, for example, his laptop), jacket where his wallet, bankaccount's... everything, phone and almost everything were fucking GONE. Seriously, I'm starting to doubt this is the same guy as few years ago. Looks like he will lose his job because he didn't go there at all today like he was supposed to. He actually went to the ship, but didn't land on Sweden, but in Finland.
  10. allisapp

    I want a new camera, system camera would be awesome. :S
  11. ^ It seems there happened two attacks - that shooting and a bomb in city. According to this, the bomb was in a building of Council of Ministers. Many people got hurt and many has died.
  12. I hope anything bad didn't happen to you, as I heard that there was a bomb(attack) today in Oslo.
  13. allisapp

    Umm, a cardigan, three t-shirts and about 10 pairs of socks. XD Three CD's: The Artifical Theory For The Dramatic Beauty by Crossfaith, studs by the studs, and hate by the studs. Four movies: Crocodile Dundee II, Tekken, Beverly Hills Cop and Pet Sematary
  14. allisapp

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy by Douglas Adams in finnish Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly in english With no one as witness by Elizabeth George in english I'm kinda stuck with Elizabeth George's book, which has almost 1,000 pages. I read Nine Dragons -book really fast, because sometimes babysitting is really boring without computer/internet. At the same time I'm reading right now Douglas Adams' one of the classic bookseries, which is also about 1,000 pages long. (Nine Dragons was about 800 pages) I'm pretty sure I would have read them already, if I didn't have my computer on right in front of me all the time.
  15. allisapp

    I hope so. D; It kinda would suck, because I like only Seo Taiji beside B2ST, so it's kind of "shame" if I have to pay the full price.
  16. allisapp

    Oh, fuck. >.< They should come next summer, because I will be there then. ;___;
  17. allisapp

    ... That actually looks kinda interesting. Waiting for PENICILLIN and Sadie.
  18. allisapp

    How to Train Your Dragon
  19. allisapp

    I got my contact lenses today. Feels actually great, but a little bit weird. Now in month I will go there again and see if there are some nice glasses, because my eyesight has gotten bad, so I can't see well with my recent glasses. Because of these contact lenses, I feel really tall. (And everybody elses does too) Everything looks weird now. @_@
  20. allisapp

    Well, does the festivals count? System of a Down at Provinssirock. MUCC on February was the last concert I went to.
  21. allisapp

    I'm actually almost always tired, because I need over 14 hours of sleep usually. And I might have anemia, so I'm always really pale --> makes me look even more tired. And then my lower lids are really... dark. Comes with the family. 3 And it will get even more noticeable when I start to use contact lenses. My glasses covered every area around my eyes.
  22. allisapp

    Umm, yeah. I should do something about my hair, but don't know what. :'/
  23. allisapp

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