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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    ... I suck at English. ;________________;
  2. allisapp

    Well, if you're okay with bands which are not visual kei, bigmama has violin is some songs. oVx6Zoc-14w
  3. Hey, we really should do this; as you're coming to my place, you will give me all the money you get from this and I will take you to a zoo as a payment? :333 Maybe you'd also like to stay there as pandas are kinda unique here? (= they will buy you from me) Too bad you won't have anything I'd like to get. =(
  4. allisapp

    ^.- viewtopic.php?p=206882#p206882 But damn, I'm really excited about this!
  5. Nay for mustache, yay for beard. :'D IMO, it depends on their type of face/hair/eyes/etc. For example, I've always thought that my brother looks awful with mustache, but the beard and sideburn makes him (little chubby) look a little bit thinner. Another example is that I hate beards on those who has really blond/greyish hair. I think you would look okay with beard, kittycat. o/ Go for it!
  6. allisapp

    LOL, after I saw this thread's name, I was already thinking about Pikku Kakkonen. D'aww, the show sucks nowadays. 8< P.S. If you ask any Finn, who has born after 1990, to sing this serier' opening tune, THEY WILL.
  7. allisapp

    Ahahaha, seriously, I've laughed because of that the whole day since I read your Step 2 -part. Anyways, as people know me I'm kinda like, eh, camerawhore. I felt bored earlier so I got this amazing idea: I should put some makeup on, as the last time I put makeup was about four years ago. I bleached my hair today, but it didn't affect enough. So I'm going to go buy more bleaching dye soon and dye my hair red later. + My friend cut my bangs. P.S. I've noticed that my polite and real smile are completely different smiles. This is the polite one
  8. allisapp

    Going to run soon, go to shower and after it I might dye my hair. It depends if my boydarling has time for it. If not, then I will do it tomorrow!
  9. allisapp

    I will be there 6.-8.4 (or 9.4, depends. D:) because of some reason. XDD Will tell you more about it somewhere else. But no, not because of Panda, he'll come here on May.
  10. allisapp

    Haha, mom actually just heard about Olympics last week, so it's too late. Plus I'm not even near London when they are. You should tell your parents that you won't go to London when the Olympics are. :'D I've actually started doubting if I get back home alive when it's time. It would be just my luck if I was wandering on the other side of UK while thinking if I'm in Edinburgh yet... It wouldn't suprise me at all.
  11. allisapp

    My earlier plan was like this: London 5.- 8.7 Portsmouth 8.-10.7 Winchester 10.-12.7 Oxford 12.-13.7 Bristol 13.-15.7 Birmingham 15.-17.7 Liverpool 17.-19.7 Manchester 19.-21.7 Newcastle 21.- 22.7 Perth 22.7-23.7 (????) Inverness 23.7-25.7 Glasgow 25.-28.7 Edinburgh 28.7-2.8 I'm going to get a system camera for this trip (Even if I've dreamed about one for seven years...), so it would be nice to travel some beautiful places. (Isle of Skye would be awesome, but I'm not sure if I should go there. I can't rent a car (no licence + not enough age for renting), so I'd have to travel by buses. I'm also not quite sure about sleeping. Well, there's that possibility that I get a bike for that.
  12. allisapp

    Wait, when are you going? D: I'm coming to Helsinki at easter-weekend!
  13. Hello! I wasn't sure if I should post this here, but as there was other questions beside japanese music, I decided to post to this section. I'm flying from Finland to London on 5th of July, from Edinburgh to Stockholm on 2nd of August. Next day I will fly back to home. I'm travelling with backpack the whole time, so I'd like to ask you, dear MH-people, do you know any places in UK which are worth of visiting? Anything? I've had a plan for about 5 months already, but today I felt like changing it a little bit. Right now I'm thinking about visiting ~13 places, where I will stay for 1-3 days. I will use hostels or stick with couchsurfing. I will mostly use buses (Megabus mostly) and maybe once or twice trains. And about Stockholm, do any of you know good record shops? I've been in Stockholm once last year and visited about ~five diffeent record stores. I was actually hunting Chemical Vocation's CDs (didn't find any... :/), so I didn't browse the shops that well. Anyone? D; I've browsed a lot of travelling sites (Lonely Planet, finnish forums and so on), but I'm really helpless there. :'D
  14. allisapp

    :33333 My moneyplans just changed~ I can't wait to hear Zankyo Reference's songs live!
  15. allisapp

    Oh my god *hides her face* Finland is a TOO small country. I didn't want to know this!
  16. allisapp

    ... Fucking awesome news! ;_;
  17. allisapp

    SiM announced yesterday, that they will release their second minialbum at 2012/5/2. Source: OPH \o/
  18. allisapp

    Hello guys! In which label(?) SiM is?
  19. allisapp

  20. allisapp

    Eh, it's not?! And I was preparing to scretch my neck so I'd look like a giraffe. DAMN YOU LIAR, we would have been a great pair! ;___;
  21. allisapp

    This will be _awesome!
  22. allisapp

    ^ Yeah, I can see that! D: Pretsy, wait, if that... costume was just for one day, why did you wear that at Diru's gig?!? D: I really should cut/dye my hair again. :B [/bignoseya] P.S. I'm kinda waiting to see biopanda IRL. I can imagine his... head! 83 It's kinda mascot-ish
  23. allisapp

    ... must.get.pretzels.sticks DDDD:
  24. allisapp

    Pretsy, Pretsy, I'm here! *jumping and waving*
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