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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    Okay, the hoodie and bag was from the MUCC's live from monday. In the third picture, there's a manga named Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, one trainticket and one busticket.
  2. allisapp

    I'm still not getting over it how Kyo looks a little bit like mr. zero 50-cent. (or something like that) But the preview sounded really good!
  3. allisapp

    Huu, cool! :DD
  4. allisapp

    Ismo Alanko Säätiö - Pieni Itsemurha
  5. allisapp

    T___T "been" there a few days a two days ago. But darling, welcome here. XP Wasn't it good that I told you to write this? :PP Actually, you didn't. I stated a rethorical question whether I should write this. :'DDDDDD Actually, you were talking about how you don't anyone from TW (besides me) and I told you to do a introduction post, but you said that you don't know if you should.
  6. allisapp

    T___T "been" there a few days a two days ago. But darling, welcome here. XP Wasn't it good that I told you to write this? :PP
  7. allisapp

    "Watching" Glee with Yuugi and maybe doing a facial treatment. :DDD
  8. allisapp

    lol, same with me! XD
  9. allisapp

    Isn't this cute? We were pretty bored with my class when we had a free period, so we used our... talent. + we threw a water on it, so it froze - now we're excited that what we'll be happen tomorrow. (= What our school's directror will announce tomorrow.)
  10. allisapp

    Summer! (Like always in winter...)
  11. allisapp

    Aww, you all are so sweet ♥ Thanks you again! XD
  12. allisapp

    Chianti, yeah, it was sarcasm - but not meant to you, so don't worry. :''D (I hope nobody need to experience this. I'm enough for that.)
  13. allisapp

    Chianti, yeah Btw, thanks ♥ Noodles went to the wrong throat because of you. =((
  14. allisapp

    Strawberries! Almost the first "food" I've eaten in... two days + first food this day I've eaten
  15. allisapp

    Hollywood Undead - Pain
  16. allisapp

    Whii, I'm pretty excited about this - the gig in Finland will be in five days. Already packed everything I need, because I'll go at friday to near Helsinki, and leave my friend's place at monday. (She'll take me with a car even closer to Helsinki while she's going to school, where I'll jump on train and go to the gig's place. :DD)
  17. allisapp

    Gin, you look like some mafiaguy! :--D Cool! ps. Chianti, thanks!
  18. allisapp

    Whoa, can't wait for it!
  19. Ah, I love this ♥ *saving this on her computer* (Maybe I should print it as well?)
  20. allisapp

    Oh, cool - where are you studying? And welcome to TW. o/
  21. allisapp

    Apulanta - Maanantai ♥
  22. allisapp

    chocolate pudding and an apple/banana/orange umm..... pudding(?) (for babies :DDDDD but it's too good ♥)
  23. allisapp

    Oh, this is really great news! I've been waiting new album since... well, when they released Mind of the Sun (which was great) So it's not a suprise that I'm excited about this!
  24. allisapp

    Maybe I'm just really tired because I don't understand this - Visitors who has come only once? Really seldom visiting here?
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