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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    My new timetable ♥ Monday 9:55 - 10:40 - Math 11:20 - 12:05 - Psychology FREE PERIOD 14:10 - 15:40 - P.E./health education Tuesday 8:00 - 8:45 - Math FREE PERIOD 9:55 - 10:40 - Psychology FREE PERIOD 14:10 - 15:40 - Sweden Wednesday 8:00 - 8:45 - Psychology 8:55 - 9:40 - Entrepreneurship and marketing 9:55 - 12:05 - Videography 12:15 - 13:00 - Math FREE PERIOD 14:10 - 15:40 - Sweden Thursday 9:55 - 12:05 - Psychology FREE PERIOD 13:10 - 13:55 - Math 14:10 - 15:40 - Sweden Friday 11:20 - 12:05 - Psychology 12:15 - 13:00 - Photography 13:10 - 14:55 - Math
  2. allisapp

    ... They too? Damn! 8//
  3. allisapp

    What, Neil Patrick Harris is awesome! How can you say that? T______T
  4. allisapp

  5. allisapp

  6. allisapp

    Do you have any blogs, where you write about music, school, life or anything else? Do you have a blog at livejournal? Blogspot? Link your blog!
  7. allisapp

    Aa, poor Hazuki! ;;w;; I hope he will get better!
  8. allisapp

    Maiku, OMG, ALREADY?
  9. allisapp

    My headset ♥
  10. allisapp

    Actually, Rachel overdues EVERYTHING. :''D I don't like her. 8/ ps. No, Step Up is not that good as everyone says. I mean this. Especially Mike Chang (Harry Shum Jr.)
  11. allisapp

    Me! Me! Me! (As you already know) I got to know Glee, when episode three was aired. My two friends had talked about it before, so I thought that well, let's shall watch it. And then I fell in love with it! Of course, I've always liked musicals, so it's not suprise that I started to watch it - and like it. Actually, in Finland Glee just started, but I haven't watched it because of their crappy subtitles. Of course, my favorite character is Kurt. Who wouldn't love THE Ice Queen, who bitches about... well, everything. My favorite episode... I liked the Lady Gaga & KISS -episode, but as a great fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this episode was... amazing! Okay, I was little disapointed, but still it was really good episode. (I still haven't got over this; _Mercedes was Frank... NO! Big no!) I'm also really pleased about Mike, who finally got a speaking lines! (By the way, have you seen his dance in Step Up 2? Amazing!) How I watch this series... well, I get from school at 16:00, start to download it from isohunt.com, and watch it after downloading ends! Oh, I loved Kurt's solo from Duets-episode. So amazing! ;;w;;
  12. allisapp

    ^If you don't, I can give you our snow! =(
  13. allisapp

    I use this They don't have english translations for all lyrics, but still some of them have it.
  14. allisapp

  15. allisapp

    MUCC - Waltz
  16. allisapp

    D37sAI1nYts I just saw it a few weeks ago, when we had to watch commecials at school's entrepreneurship and marketing-class.
  17. allisapp

    She said it all.
  18. allisapp

    Of course, Hakuei! Tatsurou from MUCC (duh!) Toshiya from Dir en grey Kaoru from Dir en grey Hazuki from Lynch. and... Heath from X Japan They are my ultimate favorites!
  19. allisapp

    Well, I think that I would have gone, but MUCC comes first. 8/ I can't miss my the most important classes.
  20. allisapp

    Finland... ;;w;; ♥
  21. allisapp

    Neon, you were at Provinssirock 2010 too? *high five*
  22. allisapp

    ... oh my god...
  23. allisapp

  24. allisapp

    I hate this. ;;w;; It's so wet!
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