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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

  2. allisapp

    Ticket to MUCC's gig Ginga Nagareboshi Gin vol. 7 -manga Salt for food :DDDDD
  3. allisapp

    Aa, hopefully this will be on their live-dvd sometimes! I'd like to hear and see that. D8
  4. allisapp

    Oh, I got a ticket to MUCC's gig, 40e, LED-light (... My stepdad's humor :--D) and "survival packet", where were chocolates (which I've already eaten) nodels, oatmealbox, Aspirin, thermometer, socks, t-shirt, earrings, eyeliner, shampoo and conditioner, hairspray and toothpaste. Yeah, quite random gift, but still useful. I'm afraid that I've eaten too much. ;( Merry Christmas.
  5. allisapp

    Ah, looks good! I can't wait. And the cover art is really interesting, like Original Saku already said.
  6. allisapp

    ... lol :DDDDD Okay, it looks good, but still. lol @ Kyo & Dirppa Btw. Kaoru's curly hair ♥
  7. allisapp

    :'D But it's not that nice when my teacher thought that I'm boy at the first day of school (and somehow successed to change my name to boy's name.), and as I have one older brother and two older sisters, when someone says; "Oh, your boyS are so cute" oooor someone yell to me "hey, you boy!" But it's nice to hear that I'm not alone with this. 8''D
  8. allisapp

    Hmm, as I'm 16-years old, younger than me (boys) can be really childish. (Usually) So I prefer older people - as a friend and partner. Dunno why, but I've always liked if somebody has more life experience than me, maybe I just want support and understanding? But yeah 16-20 is an age range which I would like to date - but of course there can be special cases, too.
  9. allisapp

    jurideluhi, haha, now this looking-like-a-guy-thing is familiar. But well, thank you, I think? :''D
  10. allisapp

    Oh, thanks Maiku and jurideluhi Yeah, I'm a girl. (I don't usually put make-up, (too lazy to get up that early to school) but if I do, I look like this (ignore the tapes XP I was told to put them on, dunno why...) And as for looking like Sakito... Well, thanks :''D First time hearing that.
  11. allisapp

    Seo Taiji - Reblica
  12. allisapp

    Some of you guys have already spend this day over ten hours ago (...or my math just sucks, it's a fact), but some of you still spend it. In some countries gifts are already swapped, so tell about your gifts, traditions and... well, about everything you want. :DD And if you're going to get your gifts tomorrow, then... hmm, tell your giftlist? XD
  13. allisapp

    MUCC - Yasashii Uta @ Live Chronicle III X Japan's songs (where audience sings too) and this, I cry because of this EVERY time. I love this so much ♥) Yeah, I've always been a big weeber for a live performances, where audience sings with or without the singer.
  14. allisapp

    Galneryus, LOUDNESS, AION, SEIKIMA-II/Demon Kogure. It's possible that I've listened something else too, but right now I don't remember anything else.
  15. allisapp

    I'd thought that I've already posted this picture for this thread. Well...
  16. allisapp

    Oh, I listen only two Korean artists/bands, which are Outsider and Seo Taiji. So of course Outsider is an amazing! D8
  17. allisapp

    DDD8 Finland would've been great too... Well, good for them.
  18. allisapp

    ... Woah, that's so cool! DDD8
  19. allisapp

    Zodia - Doukoku
  20. allisapp

    Darker than BLACK episode 19
  21. allisapp

    Has a beard.
  22. allisapp

    Bad Religion - The Biggest Killer in American History
  23. allisapp

    allisapp I don't use it that much, but still. I write mostly in english, but sometimes in finnish too.
  24. allisapp

    Anomie, lol, that's what I wonder too. :DD Weeell, I just say myself, that soon is MUCC's concert, and I need travelling money, food money and money to buy thing. :DD It's a good motivation (to save money), if there's some kind of big event, especially if you want to go there.
  25. allisapp

    Well, I had a job half year ago, but now because I moved to other city to study, I don't have any job. And right now I don't even want to. I live free at our school's campus, so I don't need to pay anything. Also because I'm underage, my mom gives me about 20-30e every week to use. (Travelling ~18e per week and rest is for food) Which is actually the reason why I eat... really little here (usually I eat only at the school), because I try to save some money for my own things.
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