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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

    The Piass - Dead by Christmas
  2. allisapp

    10/10 I love your avatar! *wwww*
  3. allisapp

    I were at the dentist's today, and let me say: they pretty much always ruins my whole month. Sincerely Living next two weeks with a painkillers.
  4. allisapp

    ... Holy shit! NO WAY. I'm reeally looking forward to this.
  5. allisapp

  6. allisapp

    Yeah, I noticed. 3 (And now my bike's pedals are slippery, and because of this, I fell TWO times in only... ten minutes.) Angst, it's so cold and I hate this. 3
  7. allisapp

    I felt up Snape bcoz he begged me to
  8. allisapp

    It's wet, cold, boring - and you have to walk on it every day. + I'm more summer person. I hate every other seasons too. And I hate cold.
  9. allisapp

    Got it and hate it. :DDDD
  10. allisapp

    Next week starts my radiocourse, where I'll talk and listen music in my school's radio. I'm SO going to brainwash everyone. >DDDDD And right now I'm starting to get lighting effects in photography like they should be!
  11. allisapp

    wuOAWEGhsKg )) ♥
  12. allisapp

    lol, Adam Lambert. :DDDD
  13. allisapp

    Because: 1) I was sleeping like 20 minutes ago, when I should have woken up two hours ago. (one hour late from school) 2) I was late from school. 3) Headache, and it really doesn't help you at all, that next 5 school hours will be spend with a computer. :DD Damn business school, I'm "going to be" such a nerd because of you. (... Yeah, I'm already 8( ) 4) ... I'm just angsting, without a reason.
  14. allisapp

    Oh, I love wool socks. I would be dead without them. (From cold) ♥♥ Btw. I just got my hair dyed and cut two day days ago. It's not that good of picture, but you still can see something.
  15. allisapp

    bakteeri, my memory is really impossible. 8( I remember things when I link something to something - it's like photograph-memory, but not that good.
  16. allisapp

    Yeah, I'm one of the bullied too. Elementary school was worst of it, and well... I'm not that comfortable about talking it, so let's say that it was kind of "hardcore bullying". Then in middle school there were still some bullying, but it left me "deep scars", so I can't talk that much freely in class. I know that I'm happy person, but sometimes my conscience gets too high, and I can't say no. So many people "uses" me. Okay, in my mind I'm ready to say almost everything, but when I have to DO it... I just freeze, and I think that I violate someone's feelings. (Yeah, I know that they hurt mine too, but I'm that kinf of person, who thinks everyones feelings, and stress about others problems and so on.) But now that I came to business school, things look really good! Everyone _wants to do something, and everyone has something in common. I actually think that this helps me a lot, and it's already helped some. (Now I know how someone who I know irl, will say that I'm not shy :DDDDDD)
  17. allisapp

    bakteeri, HEY, I think I've seen you somewhere! :DD (Maybe some kind of gig or con?)
  18. allisapp

    Because today's Father's Day, I'm maybe going to visit my dad at the hospital. Maybe, if I get money to travel.
  19. allisapp

    Lol, my mom's coworker's husband is over 45 -years old, and he likes An Cafe and has been at their concert three times. XD
  20. allisapp

  21. allisapp

    Hollywood Undead - Black Dahlia
  22. allisapp

    Okay, I didn't buy this, but this is my christmas present, which was given to me by my friend. (lol, sorry for photo. I realized that I don't have my camera with me, so I took this photo with my web-camera.) Musical collection (West Side Story, Moulin Rouge, Sound of Music, Hair and The Rocky Horror Picture Show) Dir en grey bandshirt (FC-only)
  23. allisapp

    Kotiteollisuus - Tuonelan Koivut
  24. allisapp

    Aa, sorry for mistake! XD By the way, I think he was in two episodes? Or am I mistaken again?
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