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Everything posted by allisapp

  1. allisapp

  2. allisapp

    Stam1na - Viisi laukausta päähän
  3. allisapp

    HITT is performing 13.11.2010 in Finland at Tsukicon. (in Helsinki)
  4. allisapp

    Disturbed - The Night Whoa, this is the first time when I "see" someone else who likes(?) Bad Religion- other than me. o--o It's good or bad thing?
  5. allisapp

  6. allisapp

    I think that Heath (X Japan's bassist) is not that "famous" person as he should be - also his solo-stuff is really undervalued. (Personally I love it, his voice is really amazing, one of the most beautiful voices out there)
  7. allisapp

    Dir en grey – 予感
  8. allisapp

    Aa, I've listened now Falling Down titlesong a few times and now I'm really sure, that song's chorus sounds really familiar. I have a feeling, that it sounds like some animation's opening song, which I've watched and liked. Déjà vu!
  9. allisapp

    ^/^^ I'm glad, that my cat is as sweet as ever. ♥ Here~ But try to not to squish your plushie! (ps. my sister's cat is really cute - and don't mind my foot or voice) (pps. I've got more posts than you !
  10. allisapp

    1) I heard, that I need to go high school's math for two months, even if I've said almost hundred times that I _won't do that. So I'll do two courses, and business school's math at the same time. >.<" Fuck you! 2) I'd heard, that I don't need to do P.E. because my high school classes (Finnish, Sweden and English) replaces it. But NOW I was told, but blaablaablaa someone wanted blaablaablaa two courses of P.E.! >.<"" 3) I was at the market's cashier. I gave my credit card, but I was told, that I don't have any money left. I left my thing to the cashier and went to cash machine, because mom has told me, that I should have 60e on bank. (40e went to my schoolbooks! SO EXPENSIVE) Well, I called to my mom and she said that she'll move money to my bank. But then my phone ringed; "Sorry Maria, but my work's internet connection can't connect." --> I did go back to market (I had 10e cash, and food was 13e) and left some things. 4) I can't speak Swedish, my new teacher SUCKS (I hate her so much - I've fought with her so many times = she's really stupid and doesn't understand anything) If I want to complete my course, I need to get half of the points right in test. 5) I suck, life sucks, my mom sucks right now so much, I'm ugly, boring and poor. JUST GET ME OUT! T___________T
  11. allisapp

  12. ... Are you this famous AnzkuBanzku? :---D
  13. ... kjjkjkk? ;D If you know her, then I live in the same city as her.
  14. :'''D Really? Do you remember who?
  15. I don't know why, but I somehow knew that you're from Finland. :''D (maybe because of nick?)
  16. allisapp

    Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween
  17. allisapp

    I don't know, but I like this far more than Falling Down...
  18. allisapp

    Rocky Horror Picture Show - Sweet Transvestite
  19. allisapp

    ^X Japan[/off]
  20. allisapp

    Any thoughts?
  21. allisapp

    If that's the case, then Hanoi Rocks is my "first" VK band, but otherwise it's MUCC.
  22. allisapp

    Just posted his image to the photo-thread.
  23. allisapp

    Hollywood Undead - Paradise Lost
  24. allisapp

    Well, I liked MUCC a lot, but Merry is a really good live band too! And in western, Rammstein is the one who rulez! (They were really amazing!)
  25. allisapp

    ELLEGARDEN's Takeshi.
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