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Status Updates posted by Mihenno

  1. ugh i need a 256GB phone for all my music :'(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yakihiko


      I'm making use of a 64GB phone, man, it feels so wrong when I need to delete music to add others.


      @Shmilly For how many years do you carry this? I used to feel very attractive for it's shape and the menu's circle but never had one, and I don't think they still sell it.

    3. Komorebi


      "it feels so wrong when I need to delete music to add others."


      This. Me. Every fucking month.

    4. Shmilly


      @yakihikoIt's been a while, maybe around 6 years or more. If you're interested, I might be saying goodbye to it later depending on the iPhone battery/headphone situation.

  2. So is there a site (like an auction site) where you can buy live-limited singles? If so, can someone kindly link me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danao


      That one is even cheap knowing it was released in some dark live hall with 10 people in it, most of the very popular stuff goes around more than 5000yen, or worse for bands like DOGinthePWO

    3. Danao


      You better be prepared to spend a lot of money if you want to go on the live limited/distributed market (cause yea even Free cds they give at lives worth more than 1500yen for most of them, depends on the number of songs they have)

    4. Mihenno


      This sounds really dumb for one song, but I'm willing to shell out like $60+ to get it if it comes to that and if I can even find it that is...

  3. my erection for Fallout 4 is out of this world

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lestat


      I cancelled my regular preorder as soon as I saw that PipBoy and preordered the collector's edition. I am sold. Bethesda has my heart forever.

    3. Mihenno


      I still have to buy a next gen console :'(

    4. Tetora


      I thought you had WiiU?

  4. After a grueling 13hr flight, I finally made it to Japan!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nekkichi


      yasss enjoy

    3. patientZERO


      Have fun and live it up as much as possible! I hope you don't encounter any jetlag!

    4. Mihenno


      @crucifiction Staying in Tokyo (Giza and Shinjuku) and then Osaka!

  5. iTunes just took a shit all over me

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seimeisen


      iTunes for mac is still very messy for people with even medium-size music libraries.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I have itunes for windows and it is sooooooo slow. They keep adding features to make finding music harder and their artist view just makes tags even messier.

    4. Mihenno


      It actually was my phone supposedly, something got corrupt and wouldn't let me sync the music because it was trying to sync on top of everything I already had and was like "fuck you you don't have enough space" . I had to restore my phone and that fixed the problem >_>

  6. No matter what I do, I can't seem to glue down my eyebrows and hide them completely.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Metoichi


      Eyebrows regrowth

    3. Elazmus


      ^ I was gonna say, people WISH waxing was permanent XD

    4. emmny


      go over them multiple times and brush them out so its evenly coated

  7. I cannot wait for grizzly bear's Painted Ruins album 

  8. daydreaming about Chisa *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      Nice, he is aesthetic an d interesting. Love his lyrics.

    3. hiroki
    4. Mihenno


      I want to hug him ;_;

  9. 3-4 weeks for CDJapan to even get my 少年記 CDs to ship to me. ;_; tears.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Champ213


      CD Japan can be kinda slow though. Availibility on their page says 3-7 days but once you order they get back to you after a few days saying "Hey, it will take us 3 weeks to get this itrem!". Happened to me before more than once.

    3. Champ213


      One time they couldn't even get the item AT ALL, so they cancelled the order after 2 months. Doesn't stop them from still listing the same item as "availible" on their site even until today, years later.

    4. Mihenno


      Yeah thats what the issue is. It says the item was available but I guess it's really not. >_< I'll just wait I guess lmao

  10. I may or may not have cried watching Kazuki's departure...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mihenno


      ^ literally me

    3. Mihenno


      especially when Subaru hugged him

    4. kyoselflove


      I cried T__T

  11. VIper is making my face melt off

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      Ah okay, is Megamasso album good? I am thinking of trying them out. Video is sick btw, I agree.

    3. Mihenno


      I haven't received it yet, but you should check them out!

    4. Tetora


      Aight, thanks.

  12. just recorded a video of my stuffed corgi jamming to Codomo Dragon...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hiroki


      LOL. cute overload XD

    3. Tetora


      Just added your Corgi on Last.fm, amazing taste.

    4. Mihenno
  13. PARADOXAL I GONNA FXXK YOU <33333333333

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      Forum badly needs a hookup section lately.

    3. paradoxal


      We already have one, it's here

    4. kyoselflove
  14. Bravely Default is fucking up my sleep schedule.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. Mihenno


      @beni: It's honestly the best 3ds game I've played. So fun, I never want to put it down!

    4. beni


      Ooohh, I can't wait to play it now. : 3 Thanks for telling me! I'm getting the 3ds for xmas so it'll be the first one I'll try out now. Only problem with never wanting to put it down is, it ends too quickly!! ;_;

  15. The worst is seeing the person you love, love someone else. SIGH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tetora


      A cool dude like you will have lots of other options, plus we still love you brah.

    3. kyoselflove
    4. beni


      What Tetz said. It's a horrible feeling and it happens to us all, surely. If it can't be, there will be a day it can be, if not with them then with someone else.

  16. where's the hype for WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD at???? :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elazmus


      Shounenki's new single!! WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD

    3. eiheartx


      YEEEEESSSS I was thinking about that today, like "can't wait for dat shit to be released *aka raping replay button from the fab MV spot*" Are we connected Mihi? :P

    4. Mihenno

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hiroki


      happy birthday eiheartx! <3

    3. beni


      Happy birthday dear! x3

    4. eiheartx


      thank you all of you!!! it's so kind!! <333


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yakihiko


      We need to be strong, confident and calm on this time ;)

    3. colorful人生



      I don't know why people say that btw. That is actually quite creepy.

      colorfuljinsei protip:

      If you exude confidence, people will suck up anything you say. Expand, expand, expand. No slide reading.

    4. colorful人生


      ^Last is relevant to ppts

  19. So DaizyStripper is disbanding? *is sad*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mihenno


      omg good...

    3. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      No, they won't disband, don't worry ;) I had an heart attack when I heard the news at first D:

    4. karin-adele
  20. Is it July 2nd yet? I really want to listen to CORE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tetora
    3. Mihenno


      I'm looking forward to the signed poster :'D

    4. paradoxal


      Me too.. And according to CDJapan I will get two posters... :D ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT!!

  21. Sobbing because they cut out all of Kazuki's solo clips from the REVELATION PV :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. colorful人生


      The director's cut MV will be the only real MV for Core in my mind. They literally chopped Kazuki out of everything & took the zoom-out w/ hoods at the end... Fortunately the DVD ver. is Dir. Cut

    3. ricchubunny


      He appears on the DVD edition, yea

    4. blackdoll


      i wonder is this is related to Avelcain not releasing id's pv

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