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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    yeah, some fucktards were tagging 2002+ dark bands as "neo visual kei" all over lastfm. but i do agree with its description: "A pretentious tag used by pretentious people. there is no such thing as neo-visual kei and there will never be unless a revolution happens in the scene." ^________^
  2. Gaz

    @blackdoll you made my day today again lol thanks <3 @maiku yes i did D: so did he invent this subgenre or what?
  3. Gaz

    never heard about it. tell me more please
  4. Gaz

    4. k do you have any band/singer that you ashamed of loving? for example, you turm off last.fm scrobbler to avoid others from seeing you listening to them ;p
  5. limited 300 [track list] 01.グランギニョールII 02.千ノ針 03.血と薔薇 04.アンダルシアの犬 05.レクイエム 06.闇に囁くもの 07.死の舞踏 08.暗い日曜日 09.ジャクリーンエス 10.デッド家の崩壊
  6. this song is fucking perfect. love the visuals too tho
  7. Gaz

    not like i regret about buying any of my cds but still it's just a garbage for me after them being ripped. and i'm not even interested in making scans of booklets lol just throw them away somewhere in the closet :'D
  9. Gaz

    NéiL were so fucking legendary! DIPETENA KONOMUENI ZUUUTTO
  10. Gaz

    clean vocal is irritating :s
  11. GUYS GUYS!1! i just found some blog with a huge amount of rarez *__* http://diezworldkei.blogspot.com/ but it's invite-only place ;<

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      send me an invite :*

    2. colorful人生


      Can I has tep secret invite to le underground rarez?

    3. Tetora


      And one of the first people that will join is someone who runs another blog. Should work beautifully. Business students, take note.

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  12. new vocalist is obviously better. the first one was so meh
  13. AHHAHAHA STAP IT PLZ XDDDDDD seriously, you just made me spit out my tea on keyboard :'D but if you really think so... okay then :v
  14. ^ ahahah nice joke, buddy! XD
  15. wow, they sound surprisingly alright O_O much better than i've expected at least! can't say the same about that pv though =_=
  16. Gaz

    rame even without make-up is still kawaii ^__^
  17. Gaz

    yo-yo was fun. kinda miss it ;__; do you like to humiliate others?
  18. Gaz

    is that CAT5 there? *insert racist joke here*
  19. hue hue hue ^w^ welcome to the forum! ^_____^ hope you'll have fun here :>
  20. Gaz

    https://www.youtube.com/user/vsectionx best yt channel ever. that guy uploads a plenty of old school indies and with bands description even! *_*
  21. Gaz

    my biggest mistake was actually love itself, ugh
  22. Gaz

    @Rocketeer it makes perfect sense, thanks for your answer! i don't have an arm-fetish myself but way too hairy arms freaks me out tbh @topic i'd kill someone to see La'veil MizeriA live ;__; how much time do you need to get ready to go somewhere after you woke up?
  23. Gaz

    ^oh i see. no wonder then why it's so deliciously sexy :0~~~~~~~
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