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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. yeah too busy while jerking off on ace attorney investigation 2 ;v understandable though
  2. Gaz

    cool. i hope it'll be as good as their first release.
  3. Gaz

    LOL what a bullshit! there wasn't even a single mod online when they've finished counting to 100.
  4. Gaz

    you've already won the war, you silly! the whole point of this shitgame was just to count up to 100 ;p
  5. Gaz

    yassss, the centuries of mods tyranny and dictatorship has ended! NOW WE ARE FREE! 123 tho ;v
  6. Gaz

  7. Gaz

    is Mr.INVISIBLE better than their previous release? biran was really disappointing so i'm in doubts about buying this one :s
  8. Gaz

    i guess you should've start from 0 there since cat5 has made a post. or just count up to 121 to make it fair.
  9. Gaz

    -1 though
  10. Gaz

    well he posted in my post so it's 1 ;p 0 now anyway (ANY1 PLS POST -1 ;__; )
  11. Gaz

    goddamnit my mind is so fucked up x_x
  12. Gaz

    18 DOWNCOUNTING TO RUIN YOUR FUN HA! 20 BECAUSE THE GAME MUST GO ON - edited by your friendly staff ; )
  13. Gaz

    is there a naked woman on your laptop screen? ;v
  14. Gaz

    well good that i'm not buying this album :x
  15. yeah way too much facts againsts them to say they are trying to play an old school D:
  16. Gaz

    OMFG IT'S FUCKING OUT: http://gbatemp.net/threads/ace-attorney-investigation-2-prosecutors-path-cases-1-5-beta-release.367451/ and i'm still in the middle of the last case in AAI1 D;
  17. yeah elias actually already posted scan of that tape here. seems like kisaki called himself AINE back then o:
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