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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    hi guys. could you please recommend me some stuff with good mind game in it? i really like saw and cube and it would be cool to watch something similar. thaaanks orz
  2. Gaz

    would be cool if they'll post some unknown rarez of theirs
  3. Gaz

    AWW FUCK YES! it's so great to see MEGURU's back <3
  4. nope. http://thegioinet.net/khi-cac-sao-j-a-v-tao-thanh-nhom-nhac-chuyen-cmn-nghiep.html ;
  5. great song and thanks for posting. now i can finally listen to them on my shitPod ;3
  6. onais kinda like them. they are awful (in good sense)
  7. Gaz

    i wouln't be surprised if that guy was hired by their bosses to make them even more popular.
  8. Gaz

    i hope shitmamuramayuka will stop ignoring me because I FUCKING NEED THIS SO BAD!
  9. Gaz

    no problem actually wanted to add something like "looking forward to your improvement" but i guess i don't mind even if you'll keep sucking
  10. Gaz

    lolol guys you suck so hard! but i like it though sounds so much better than all these wannabe bijuaru faggots. hope to hear some more of your stuff in the future. 199311 <3
  11. hopefully with this dark look their music will get darker too.
  12. Gaz

    correct me if i'm wrong but this topic belongs to lyric req section MODS ARE LAZY [3]
  13. Gaz

    inb4 jewtype with his silly puns itt :v
  14. Gaz

    haha i love both feeny and edgey, they are such an amazing characters and their sense of humor deserves its own thread imo ;D i also adore franziska, she's just perfect <3 and yeah, logic thingie fits perfectly for edgeworth. such a shame that game is much easier in comparison to gba ones. kinda miss that feeling when you have a tiny "health bar" and one fucking mistake will make you to replay everything again, without possibility of skipping dialogues. #random best miles emotion of all times: dat smirk
  15. Gaz

    playing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth now. have to say i was a bit sceptic about it at first (ugh some shitty side game without any meaning to the main plot) but it turned out to be really good. it brought some cool things to gameplay that original series were lacking. though i was hoping to play as a prosecutor in the court(MAIRUZU-SAMA GYAAAA *__*) so it's the only thing i was disappointed about the game. but despite of that it's still awesome.
  16. yeah. quite disappointing ending though :v but unexpected lol
  17. well fuck i patiently waited for every new episode of HxH but i couldn't wait any longer this time and just read the ending in manga me suck
  18. It was a good run. :)

  19. Gaz

    yeah i was afraid that finale will be boring like last few episodes were and with some silly outcome but i really enjoyed it. i just hope we'll get a good explanation of eveything happened in this episode. hate it when season finale gives more questions than answers.
  20. Gaz

    +1! i never give a shit about how skilled musicians are. if i like the band and their music it doesnt matter whether they have maria cross on vocal or music sounds like was recorded in someone's arse. more to say, unskilled and obscure bands are the best! maybe i just have weird taste but listening to some stuff with perfect riffs and vocalist who can take all the notes makes me feel bored in most cases. @seikun and what old school bands do you consider as "skilled" and "experienced"? i always thought old school is awesome because of far from perfect vocalists and unpolished rawish sound.
  21. ryosuke is some sexy piece of shit
  22. so this is the same cd that they were distributing through their lives earlier this year? or a new one?
  23. Gaz

    good shit. hopefully they will release something and it won't be live limited 69 kind of thing
  24. Gaz

    how can anyone be shocked by dudes wearing not ordinary clothes plus hard make-up and singing about necrophilia/pedophilia/*choose yours* ? for me it's more like "wow cool" or "ew gross" kind of feeling. maybe i was a bit "shocked" when i first started to explore vk genre. but everything was totally new to me so at that time kyo doing some weird shit with himself on the stage was pretty shocking thang tbh.
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